Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

With the Earth King willing to see their proof, the gang prepared to leave the palace to travel to Lake Laogai. While the Earth King, his bodyguards, Katara, Toph and Sokka would take public transport, Aang would meet them there on Appa.

"Avatar" calls Lian as Aang prepares to leave.

"Thanks for what you did back there" says Aang, "I know you didn't want to reveal who you really were."

"It's okay" Lian smiles softly although part of her was worried about the consequences of revealing her true identity.

"My job here is done. I won't be able to travel with you" continues Lian regretfully.

"I understand"

"Thank you" she smiles happily. "I'll leave my address with someone at the Palace so you know how to find me. Maybe once this is over, we can finally start your firebending training."

"Of course!" says Aang excitedly, making Lian laugh.

Lian watches as with a smile as Aang jumps on Appa and flies into the sky to finally reveal the truth to the Earth King.


Lian rushes back to their apartment to check on her cousin and makes it back in time to see her father kneeling next to a tossing and moaning Zuko.

"Has he gotten any better?" asks Lian, kneeling on the other side of Zuko. She takes a cloth from a tub of water and presses it against Zuko's head hoping to cool him down.

"His burning up. He has an intense fever" murmurs Iroh.

"So thirsty" whispers Zuko, painfully. He tries to sit up but is unable to without her father supporting his shoulders.

"Here's some clean water to drink, Zuzu" says Lian, offering him some water which he gulps down.

"Stay under the blankets, and sweat this out" instructs Iroh as Zuko lays back down under the covers, falling back to sleep.

"Poor Zuko" murmurs Lian as she follows her father out of Zuko's room.

"He'll be fine" says Iroh confidently.

"So, where have you been?" asks Iroh raising his eyebrow.

"Nowhere" says Lian innocently, busying herself with making some tea. "I just went for a walk."

"Okay" says Iroh, taking a seat at the counter overlooking their kitchen. Lian thought she had gotten away with it but she knew nothing ever slipped past her father.

"I hope you didn't get hurt in the drama with the Avatar at the palace" continues her father conversationally.

Lian's eyes widen knowing her father knew exactly what she was doing. "Father, I..." she began in an attempt to explain her actions but her father just held up his hand stopping her.

"I understand, Lotus flower" he says with a small smile. "Just be careful."

"Of course!" reassures Lian, "I would never do anything to harm you or Zuko"

Iroh just shakes his head. "No, I mean be careful that you don't hurt yourself. I can't bear the thought of losing another child."

Lian just looked at her father mournfully. Her father was a rock. Not because he was an amazing firebender or general but because he held it together and was always there for his daughter and nephew despite the inner turmoil he felt.

Taking a seat next to her father, both silently drank their tea, happy to have each other.

"Ah!" comes the voice of Zuko, breaking the silence.

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