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before we begin i would like to say, THIS IS NOT A CANNON CHAPTER in this book. This chapter is nsfw and i mostly did this for shits and giggles but i had a lot of fun writing this so like-- don't read this if you are not comfortable with nsfw themes. i can't put this in any simpler terms you guys. THIS IS A SMUT CHAPTER, THEY'RE GONNA FUCK!! Also both Nishinoya and Mc are 3rd years in this. If you would like to imagine them even older, feel free to do so!


Nishinoya thought he could do this. He was so sure he could get through the day like this but never again would he make a deal of this caliber with the demon he liked to call his boyfriend, aka Oikawa Y/N.

Usually Nishinoya would never call Y/N a demon or anything that painted him in a darker light but you'd been torturing him all day.

But... let's backtrack so you have some insight as to what the hell is going on.


The day had started out normal. Nishinoya had stayed the night at your house so you made him get up early, much to his annoyance, and that's where it all started.

"Yuu," You reach to the top of your dresser to silence the alarm on your phone before turning back to look at Nishinoya. Your boyfriend only grunts before burrowing himself back into your chest. "Yuu." Nishinoya doesn't even move this time, he does, however, tighten his arms that are wrapped around your torso. You resist from melting into your boyfriends warmth and instead set another timer for ten minutes before you card your fingers through Nishinoya's fading streak of blond hair. "Ten more minutes," A yawn interrupts you as you settle down with your boyfriend. "Then we get up for real."

Ten minutes later and you actually slide out of bed but Nishinoya spreads his body starfish style on your bed. Still, somehow, very much asleep. You narrow your eyes at your boyfriends smaller form before a quiet chuckle leaves your lips. "Yuu, baby, you gotta get up." You roll Nishinoya over and shake him. "Babe. We gotta get up, we're going to be late for morning practice and Ennoshita is going to be angry."

Nishinoya shoots up a loud yell leaving him as he does "No!"

You furrow your eyes at Nishinoya. The two of you stare at each other for a second before you reach over and grab a pillow, it connecting perfectly with Nishinoya's face and sending him sprawling back onto the bed. You stare at Nishinoya's form for a second before a pillow is launched at your face. And boom, an all out pillow war had begun.

It had been about 15 minutes of your pillow war before you and Nishinoya collapsed back onto the bed into a heap of breathless laughs. Soon the laughs turn into silent admiration as the two of you lock gazes, simply basking in one another's presence. Until Nishinoya spoke.

Now, Nishinoya knew he had to time this right. He knew how cautious you could be about sex but after reading about it he knew he just had to try it out with you. He just didn't know to bring the topic up but now seemed like a good time so,

"I wanna try something with you." Nishinoya says, tone serious as he continues staring into your eyes.

You crack a small smile "Is it brushing your teeth?" You joke.

Nishinoya jumps up and quickly slaps a hand over his mouth, at that you furrow your brow. You and Nishinoya joke like that all time, something's weighing on his mind, and heavily.

You sit up and raise a hand tugging the hand over Nishinoya's mouth down. "Hey, it was a joke. Your fine." Nishinoya nods. Still silent. You do your best to break the tension you accidently created. "...You said you wanted to try something..?" You prompt.

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