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"Come on Y/N, let me go with you. I want to see Tobio lose."

"Oh, i'm not going to the game today... I have plans with a friend of mine."

"Oh," Tooru finally backs out of your face. "With who?"

"Asahi." Our former ace...

"Well then. Tell beard kun I say hi." Tooru picks up his volleyball bag and puts it on his shoulder.


"Wha'? Y/N don't be mean!" Asahi doesn't even know Tooru. Tooru doesn't know Asahi either he's seen him once.

"You don't even know Asahi. What's the point of telling him someone he doesn't know says hi." You open the door to see a startled Asahi about to knock.

"Oh! Hi beard kun! Later Y/N!" Tooru sticks his tongue out at you before turning around and continuing down the street.


You cut Asahi off, "Not important. I promise you."

"Okay," Asahi puts his arm down, "So... What'd you call me here for?"

You step aside and motion the taller male inside, "Come in."

"Would you like something to drink? Water tea or anything?"

"No. I'm fine." Asahi sits down and looks any where but you.

"Feeling guilty senpai?" You sit across from him and look into his eyes, an empty look in yours. "Something the matter?"

"Ack-!" Asahi sits up uncomfortably seeing the look in your eyes. "Uh, no, just fine! All fine."

"You know senpai. The volleyball club has a few new first years. One a setter, the other gunning to be the ace. You know you could always go back and show them what a real ace looks like."



"I think, it'd be best if i go." Asahi stands up and heads to the door. Putting his shoes on he looks behind him and gives you a small smile. "I'll see you at school."

"Your still the ace Asahi. Please come back and show it." Asahi opens the door his grip tightening.

"I..." He shakes his head. "Goodbye. Thank you for inviting me." Asahi steps out of the house, closing the door behind him. Dammit.


Not having anything to do you ended up at the gym Tooru told you he'd be practicing at, seeing the other members of Aobajohsai there too.

"Sometimes I wonder how you all have so much energy." You call out walking into the gym to see some of the Seijoh volley ball team, the third years not in the room.

"Oh this is perfect!" Kindaichi yells out, annoyed. This causes the attention to land on him. "The crow's here to report back to his precious team."

"Kindaichi!" Kunimi scolds.

"Hey, what the hell does that mean?! Y/N may not be part of the team but he's like family! And if you can't get that then i think someone should teach you!" Yahaba yells out, walking over to a startled Kindaichi.

"Yahaba." You raise a hand to stop him.

"But Y/N he insulted you!" Now Yahaba is yelling at you, you know its just because he's passionate about it and not because hes angry at you.

"Kindaichi." You look over to the first year who steps back at your look, feeling dark tendrils coming from behind you. "Now what makes you think i'll go tell on you guys, hm?" You walk towards him causing him to take another step back. "I'm a nice guy most of the time." You take more steps forward and Kindaichi keeps backing up until he hits a wall. "Don't make me be mean." You step forward, and while Kindaichi is taller, you looking up at him like that is giving you chills. "Kay?" And suddenly the mood shifts as you give him a bright smile, your head tilting and eyes closing at you do.

"Yeah! I got it!" You back up nodding. You look back at Kindaichi to see him bowing. "I apologize for my harsh actions senpai!"

You turn around and walk away, "Get up Kindaichi, we're fine."

"Did we miss something?" Matsukawa ask as he and the other third years walk into the gym, "Oh, hey Y/N!"

You give peace sign, "Yo."


You give Hajime a water bottle, "You know your not at Karasuno, you can play if you want."

"I'd rather not."

"Come on, please. Just send me one or two balls. That's it." You look to Hajime to see him giving you puppy dog eyes.

"God your annoying." You unzip your Karasuno jacket before taking it off. "But you know i can't say no to those stupid puppy dog eyes."

"Alright guys listen up!" Hajime yells out getting everyone's attention. "Let's make two teams, Tooru setting on one side and Y/N on the other."

"Ugh. You ass, you said one or two tosses no a whole practice game." You clap. Getting the attention from Hajime and to you. "Sorry other team but i'm taking Kunimi, Kindaichi, and Hajime. Sorry Tooru." You send an evil smile to your brother who only sends and irked one back.


You bounce the ball on the floor before twirling it in your hands. You throw the ball in the air with a smirk you hit it down causing for the ball to hit the other side with a slam. Ah, a service ace.

"Nice job Y/N, your getting better and better!" Tooru sends you a smile as you prepare to serve the ball again. "But i'm afraid that won't happen again. I taught you how to serve. And I can counter it just as well."

"Well then Tooru, we'll just have to see about that," The ball twist menacingly in your hands "Won't we?"

He smirks, "We will."


"Whew, I don't even know how you guys do this every day. I'm too lazy." You sigh taking Tooru's water from his hand and drinking it yourself.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Huh? What's up Watari?"

He holds up your phone, "It's been ringing off the hook, someone name Kiyoko?"

You walk over and grab it. "Thanks Watari." You smile before going to call Kiyoko back.

Once the phone call is over you stomp back in the gym, setting a glare at your elder brother. "Oikawa Tooru, you bastard! You challenged Karasuno to a match but Kageyama has to be setter the whole time?!"

The first years look at Oikawa in surprise, "Really?"

He backs up, feeling your deadly intent.

"Ahaha, Y/N don't be so harsh! I did it so the other first years could get some closure!"

"Oh don't lie to me Tooru! I'll kick your ass!"

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