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19 Karasuno

A receive from Nishinoya sends the ball to Kageyama who set's Asahi up for a backrow attack. However Johzenji's libero manages to receive the ball and send it up. The setter jumps and so does Kageyama. Seeing how Kageyama blocked the ball your eyes widen and you can't help but stare. Hardly noticing that Karasuno just scored.

"Kageyama, nice block!" Yachi cheers.

"Yacchan... that block just now..." Kageyama slowly turns around and that's when you loose it as a loud laugh leaves you. "Hit Tobio right in the face!" You manage in-between laughs.

By the time Kageyama was sent to the sidelines you'd finally managed to regain your self and were pleasantly surprised to see both Sugawara and Narita take the court.

"Ah, I'll go check on Kageyama Yacchan you just stay here, I should be back soon enough." You shoot one last look at the court to see Nishinoya eyeing the ball carefully just the sight makes a blissful sigh leave you.

"Uh, senpai are you okay?"

"Oh!" You jump, slightly startled by Yachi. "Uh, yeah. I'll just--go." You give Yachi an awkward smile before running off.

You easily make it to the courts and as soon as you do your not surprised to see a grumpy looking Kageyama holding tissues up to his nose there.

"Alright Tobio let's hurry and get you to the nurse so you can get cleared to play." Kageyama only grumbles as he follows you off of the courts and towards the nurse.

You slide open the door and peek your head in to see a woman sitting on her phone. "Pardon the intrusion," She jumps and quickly shuts down her phone and turns to the two of you. "But my friend got a nose bleed and needs to be checked out."

"Ah, alright. Please excuse me i just need to get a few things, could you please clean him up until I get back?"

You nod "Of course."

The lady hands you tissues and antiseptic wipes before walking off.

"Sit on the cot Tobio, your a little tall." Kageyama nods before moving to sit on the cot like you instructed. "So, how did you end up getting hit in the face with the ball, i assumed that you of all people would manage to block it with your hands instead."

The setter only grumbles as he turns away from you. "Ah-ah." You tsk grabbing his chin and tilting his face back towards yours "I need to be able to see your nose in order to clean it." You take out a few tissues and begin to clean his nose.

"How's things going between you and Nishinoya?"

You freeze at Kageyama's question "...What."

"I've known you for a while Senpai. It was obvious to me."

You click your tongue as you press a little harder than you needed to. "Well then, how's it going with you and Hinata?"

Kageyama averts his eyes as red stains the tips of his ears. "Exactly."

After that the nurse came back in, checked on Tobio and gave him the all clear. You dropped the first year back off at the court doors before heading back up to the stands. You made it in enough time to see a synchronized attack be pulled off, Daichi being the one that scored.

24 Karasuno
21 Johzenji

"Oh, nice." You comment making yourself known to Yachi.

"Senpai! Your back! How's Kageyama?"

You grin at Yachi and give her a thumbs up "He's all good and ready to go."

The whistle blows and your attention goes to Narita who's serving. Johzenji's libero get's the ball into the air and to the setter and much to your surprise everyone from Johzenji moves at once.

"Johzenji's also doing a synchronized attack?" Yachi ask.

You don't answer and only watch as one by one they jump until the ball goes to Terushima. The blonde attempts to spike the ball but misses by a few centimeters and the ball falls to the court.

25 Karasuno
21 Johzenji

Karasuno takes the first set.

"They're last play was something they've never done before..?" You furrow your brows in obvious confusion. "They really are a wild card of a team."

"How'd you know they've never done it before senpai?" Yachi ask as she turns to look up at you

"Well it's obvious. Terushima missed it by literal centimeters. That and just look at their managers face. But that said..." You watch as Johzenji heads off the court and to their sidelines, still laughing and patting one another on the back "Why copy our playstyle when we're right at set point. That recklessness could be trouble for us..."

The second set begins and both Hinata and Kageyama are back on the court.

Sugawara yells for both of them to calm down which only makes the two start screaming and even Tanaka yells for them to shut it. Seeing that you can't help but laugh. This team needs a lot of work, but hey, it's your team after all.

The game starts with a serve from Johzenji and Nishinoya easily receives the ball, sending it to Kageyama. Hinata starts running up for the new and improved quick and Kageyama sends to ball over but it was too long. Hinata reaches an arm out to try and save it but he couldn't reach it either.

Lucky for you crows, your knight in shorts that showed off his glorious thighs came to your rescue. Daichi comes to your rescue and manages to save the ball.

"Wow! Those are some awesome reflexes!" Yachi yells out, amazed at the captain.

"Actually, I think he was expecting that." Takinoue speaks up from next to the younger manager.

"Yeah," You watch as the ball sails over both Daichi and Nishinoya going into receiving positions Nishinoya telling Daichi 'Nice ass-wiping!' and Daichi scolding him about needing a new way to say that. "It's what he does. Daichi is reliable, and with a team like this? We need that. Daichi is a constant. I honestly don't know what we'd do without him."

The three of you return your attention to the game to Terushima try and land a spike only for Daichi to be there to receive it. Kageyama once again set's Hinata up but this time the two of them manage to actually land the quick.

After that Karasuno really get's in the groove. Point after point Karasuno rallies together and really gives Johzenji a run for their money. With Johzenji attempting to be on the offensive it seems to just mess them up a little more. Johzenji calls a time out but soon it's over and they re-take the court.

11 Johzenji
17 Karasuno

But as Johzenji get's back out there you can't help but notice... "They look different. I think..." You squint looking over at Johzenji, none of them have that playful look on their face, hell Terushima even lost his smirk! "I think we're that real game is about to start."

I got grounded so this may be the only update right now (I only have my stuff for school, and they even took the T.V. in my room). Anyway have a good day/night!!

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