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"Tooru! Y/N! Teach me how to serve!"

"Calm down Takeru, don't be so loud."

"Hey! How about showing some respect first!" You nudge Tooru in his stomach causing him to let out a groan

"How about you teach Takeru to lower his voice first," You put up a peace sign, a fake smile coming over your face, Takeru does the same "Since you like teaching him so many things."

"Awe, come on Y/N! It's not like it's--" Tooru looks away from the three if you and cuts himself off seeing something or someone.

Tooru let's out a huff and rest his hand on his hip you rest a hand on, the now curious, Takeru's shoulder and give a strained smile to the stuttering blue berry. "Hello Tobio."

"O-Oikawa, what are you doing here?"


Tooru cuts you off "Y/N and I are watching our nephew."

Takeru raises a hand "Hey!"

Kageyama turns to you and Takeru for a second "H-hey," Turning back to Tooru the first year ask another question "What about club?"

"We usually have Monday's off." Tooru answers

"Y-you guys get a break once a week? What a waste!"

Tooru starts walking away, you and Takeru following "Getting rest and ditching practice are two different things." Kageyama can only watch as you all pass him "See ya."

"O-Oikawa!" The three of you pause "Um..."

Tooru turns around and pulls down the bottom of his eyelid while sticking out his tongue his other hand wiggling his fingers around "Nope! Stupid!" Both you and Takeru exchanged annoyed glances "You're stupid! You stupid face!"

Tobio tries to speak "Oikawa--"

"Nope! Can't hear you! Can't hear a thing!"

Kageyama bowing to Tooru, however, that catches you all off guard and Tooru finally stops his stupid antics.

"Please listen to what I have to say."

Tooru finally puts his hands down and stands like a normal person "Why do I have to go out of my way to listen to what you have to say?" Once again the three of you walk away.

"Oikawa, please!" The three of you continue on "I beg you! I beg you!"

"Tooru," You tug Tooru's shirt twice "C'mon man, he's begging."


Tobio runs in front of the three of you "I beg you, please!" In his usual angry tone before bowing once more.



"Take a picture."

"Why can't Y/N do it?"

"Because Y/N would just close my phone and say no, so take the picture." Tooru shoves his phone towards Takeru "Hold it like this, and press here." Tobio moves his head up and Tooru immediately scolds him for it "Don't move Tobio chan!"

Tooru poses next to a bowing Kageyama "I'll call this, 'Tobio chan is no match for Oikawa Tooru!'"

Once Takeru finally snaps the picture you can't help but snort seeing the blurred Tooru. "Tooru, you're actually happy about this picture? Lame." Once again light chuckles escape you and you can't help but give a hive five to your nephew.

"Well," Tooru ignores the two of you and turns to Tobio "Well, what do you want? I'm busy you know."

"You said Iwaizumi didn't want to hang out with you, so you had free time!"

"Takeru," Tooru whips towards the two of you "Shut up!"

"What? But when you came, you said you didn't know what you did wrong."

"I said, 'shut up'!"


"So, uh, what if you were close to a tournament, and, uh..." You three turn back to the now standing Kageyama who seems to be thinking hard "And Iwaizumi said he was going to try some impossible attack..."

"Hey..." Tooru cuts of Kageyama's rambling "If you want to talk to me about something, quit with the lame "what if" story line and just be upfront with it." Tooru gives Kageyama an unamused look as his hand rest on his hip once more.

"Hinata has been hitting the fast attack balls without looking at them until now. Now, he says he wants to hit it of his own will."

"Oh, really?" Tooru looks back at you as if questioning Tobio's validity when you nod he turns back to Tobio "That'd be pretty impressive if he could do it. Why not let him?"

Tobio steps forward "Please don't make it sound so easy! Hinata has no concept of Technique!"

Tooru grins smugly "So you're saying, "Just do what I tell you to do" or something? That's like a dictator, you know." Tobio seems shocked by Tooru saying it so casually "Have you put any thought into it? About whether or not you're responding to chibi chan with a toss that he wants? Have you even tried to?" Tooru points an accusing finger towards Kageyama and he grit his teeth "If you're thinking the situation is as good as it can be and you're being defensive about it, you're basically a coward. Don't get the wrong idea. The one who has leadership in an attack isn't you... it's chibi chan." Tooru lowers his finger "If you can't understand that," Tooru walks off "You're just regressing back to playing the tyrant king. Let's go Takeru, Y/n."

You give Takeru and gentle nudge and he's off chasing Tooru while you walk to the stunned Kageyama and place a hand on his shoulder "I know you'll get it eventually." Letting go of Kageyama you hurry to catch up with Takeru and Tooru.

After getting a little further from Tobio Takeru hands Tooru his phone back. "You sure seem happy."

Tooru accepts his phone with a hum "I'm happy that Tobio chan's more run down than I thought he was." Tooru scrolls through his phone only to stop viewing his most recent picture "I'm totally blurry! Takeru!"

Tooru shoves his phone into your hands and begins to shake his nephew frantically yelling about how important it is to look good in every photo.

Curiously you scroll through Tooru's photos, a few were of the sunset, you and Tooru, Tooru and Takeru, Takeru with you, and even you and Takeru by yourselves, there were some selfies of Tooru and a pictures of him and Hajime sprinkled in here and there, most of his camera roll was someone's muscles and ass. It was a picture of Seijoh's locker room with Mr. Muscles at locker number four that gave away that it was Hajime all those muscle and ass pictures were featuring. Honestly, your not all that surprised.

Your scrolling is paused when you come to a picture of you asleep, your eye twitches seeing Tooru with a thumb's up next to it. The next picture was of Matsukawa and Hanamaki doing the same thing and then the next picture was of a still sleeping you, this time with little words, volleyballs, and dicks doodled all over your face.

You remembered this, the third years of Aoba Johsai were having a sleep over at you all's house and once you woke up you'd had all sorts of things littered all over your body.

"Tooruuuuuuuu," You clench Tooru's phone who's looking up from Takeru. Tooru steps backwards seeing the look on your face.

"Ahaha, what?"

You shove the picture of your doodled on face to your brother "Anything you have to say about this?!"

"Heh?" Tooru's face pales seeing the picture "Nope!" Tooru takes off running you not far behind. Takeru, annoyed with both of his dumb uncles, re-adjust his backpack and walks after the two of you.

I binged watched all 3 seasons of AOT and the one season on Danganronpa.
Let's just say i don't care about my heart.

OH! I also finished to the top! And wow i'm so ready to the second part to come out.

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