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The A/N at the end of the chapter poses an important question, pls read it!!

Day two of the Qualifiers.

You all made it through day one and hopefully you all will breeze through day two as well. Today was Wakutani South also known as WakuNan.

You and Yachi both stood above the court as you watched the game about to begin. "Hey!"

Both you and Yachi turn around to see a familiar face. "Oh, Shimada, hello there!" Yachi greets. You return his hey with a nod of acknowledgment.

Not seeing another face you looking around curiously "Are you by yourself?" You ask

"Takinoue had work today. He did say he might be able to swing by in the afternoon, though."

You open your mouth to respond to Shimada but another familiar voice cuts you off "Man, this psyches me up!" You look behind you to see an enthusiastic Saeko. "Stuff like this really get's a rise outta me!"

You only gape seeing the blonde "Saeko nee?"

"Y/N!" Saeko looks even more joyous seeing you. "I was hoping I'd run into you here!"

"Uh, hello!" Yachi says speaking to the older female.

"Hey!" Saeko gives the three of you a salute "Thanks for always taking care of Ryūnosuke. I'm his older sister, Saeko." Saeko drops her salute seeing the skin head and turns to the court waving her arms to catch his attention "Ryu! Ryu!"

Nishinoya seems to hear Saeko first as he turns around before pumping his fist in the air and joyously exclaiming "Saeko nee!" Tanaka on the other hand looks horrified.

"I came to cheer you on!"

Your smile slightly drops at that Tooru...

The game soon begin and both teams line up at the ends of the court before bowing and wishing each other a good game.

"Get 'em!" Saeko yells out her encouragements.

"The second day begins..." Shimada says resting his arms on the railing.

"They'd better survive" You comment as the teams take their place on the court. They have to.

The game, as per usual, starts off with a serve. This time from WakuNan's number five. It sails to Karasuno's side of the court but is easily picked up with a clean receive from Daichi.

"All right, start off with a fast attack and give them a good scare!" Shimada says seemingly already in the throughs of the game.

But Shimada was right, Kageyama and Hinata do the freak quick effectively landing Karasuno the first point of the game. Hearing the amazed words and noises from the crowd you feel an amused smile slide on your face as both Yachi and Shimada make mischievous grins, as they let out evil chuckles. Although their grins/chuckles and your amused smile melt off seeing WakuNan's captain brush off the score and rally his team together.

"What? WakuNan isn't surprised by that fast attack?"

You eye the captain as he goes back to his position He's all too calm, Your eyes flit to each of the captain's Keeping such a cool head in such a tense situation...

"An opponent that isn't surprised by that first fast attack..." You turn your attention from the captains to the wanna-be-ace "Now what will you do?" You observe as Daichi walks over to Hinata and says something to him, after that Hinata seems even more fired up, Tanaka get's the same treatment. You can't help but smile seeing that "Good ole' captain."

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