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Date Tech.

Once again your in the stands for Karasuno's game. This time alone and staring at the court tensely.

The whistle blows and the game begins with a serve from Date techs's number 1. The serve get's received by Daichi and is sent to Kageyama who sets for Hinata who spikes a ball but due to Aones read blocking him and Futakuchi create a two man block. Luckily for Hinata he manages to send it down Aones arm and to the floor of their side of the court, earning Karasuno the first point of the game.

A small smile comes over your face seeing it's Tobio's turn to serve. He does a jump serve but the ball is sent straight to the libero. The libero sends the ball to the setter who sets Aone up for a spike although Nishinoya digs the ball up. Your smile gets bigger seeing the impressive save Nishinoya just did. The ball is sent to Tanaka who sends the ball to Asahi who preforms a back attack, although Aone and Futakuchi block.

A strangled sound leaves your throat as you wince, Please Asahi, shake it off! You see Nishinoya and Asahi talking before the ball is thrown into play again. He... he's smiling..? He's smiling! He's fine. Alright, this is good.

Unfortunately Tanaka's spike gets blocked but fortunately someone from Date tech touched the net. The ball bounces across the court before Asahi winds up spiking it, it's blocked but the ball bounces off the wall and off the court earning Karasuno a point.

Kageyama sets a ball to Hinata who tries to spike it do the left of Aone but the no eyebrowed boy shoots his hand out and easily blocks it. You see Hinata and Kageyama's look while they converse and you have an idea of what Karasuno's next play will be.

Indeed you were right, grinning to yourself you relish in the shocked faces of both Date tech and the other spectators. You let that grin fall when Hinata serves right into the net. The game continues with Hinata subbing out with Tsukishima. The ball is once again served into play and a spike is made but is fruitless as Nishinoya makes another dig and Tsukishima spikes a set from Kageyama earning Karasuno another point.

Aone subs out and 1 serves the ball once more earning date tech another point which Asahi quickly takes back with spike, retaliating date etch gets a point with a spike too. This continues with the point gap not changing until Hinata was back in the front. Unfortunately Aone came back to the front too. 1 serves the ball but it falls over the net and Nishinoya dives to save the ball, Kageyama runs just behind the back line and the ball is sailing over to Hinata and once again another point is scored via the freak duo with the freak quick. Date Tech calls a time out.

"You go Karasuno!!" You scream in a moment of silence to your team. They look up and give you smiles and waves as you yell out encouragements. Although you have to stop when you earn Karasuno another warning.

"You're so slow! We could have missed the game!" You know that voice... You turn to your left and see two of the men from the neighbor hood association team. Shimada, the black haired male with glasses who just spoke, and Takinoue the dyed blond who Shimada is scolding.

"But customers are so rare!" Takinoue excuses.

"Hurry up!" You know that voice too. Looking to your left you see Michimiya, the captain of the girls volleyball team, rush towards the railing. "Great! the boys are still playing round two." Some other girls from the volleyball team flank her sides.

"I don't believe it! They're beating date tech!" One of the girls with Michimiya says.

"Bring it here!" Immediately your attention is back to Karasuno to see Hinata land one of the freak quick hits once more.

"W-what was that?" Michimiya ask.
"A quick attack?"
"That is a first year, isn't it?" Mao Aihara, vice captain of the girls volleyball team.
"Did that little guy just jump incredibly high?"

You turn your attention to your left hearing Takinoue chuckle.

"Don't look so smug." Shimada tsk.

"Suga's not in the game?" Michimiya ask seeing the silver haired setter on the sidelines.

"No. He talked to coach about it. He said it was because he wanted the best for the team." You explain.

"Oh, Y/N!" Michimiya gives you a grin and you see the girls, with the exception of Mao, blush behind her. "Your a manager right? Why are you up here?"

"One manager on the bench at a time." You turn back to the game causing for them to do the same.

Hinata runs up and Aone and Futakuchi jump too early as Hinata hits a delayed spike and gets Karasuno another point. Hinata and Kageyama attempt another quick but Aone quickly gets over the fake Hinata threw at him and jumps once more and effectively blocks Hinata's spike.

"Hey, hey, that block is scary." Shimada says.

"A block like that could turn the tide. They need to take the next point or Date Tech will ride the wave." Takinoue adds in. You glance to the score board seeing the first set's score of 18 -- 15, Karasuno and date tech respectively. The ball being thrown into the air causes your attention to go back to the game as Date Tech's number one spike the ball which Daichi receives and gets sent to Tanaka who bumps it up to Hinata. You watch in anticipation as Hinata as well as Aone and someone else from date tech jump into the air. The spike from Hinata is thrown downwards, luckily Nishinoya digs it up and Kageyama sets to Ashai who easily slams the ball down scoring Karasuno a point.

"The ace and decoy, working in tandem." A dopey grin comes over your face seeing the two work so well together. Volleyball is a team sport, and cases like these prove that fact.

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