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Walking with some of the dirty towels you and Yachi exited the gym. Only for Yachi to startle and let out a yell seeing a figure trying to hide themselves. Taking a look at the figure, a hat tossed on their head, the hood of the hoodie tossed over their hat, and dark sunglasses rested on their face.


"Kageyama, what's the matter?" Yachi almost shrieks in obvious worry.

Kageyama turns back to face the two of you his hood falling off of his head leaving him the cap and sunglasses. "You could tell it was me?"

"Uh, yeah," You set down the basket of towels before standing back up and resting a hand on your hip "It's not a very good disguise."

Kageyama pulls off the cap and sunglasses in frustration "Damn it!"

Yachi turns to you and points at Kageyama's frustrated form shakily "T-that was supposed to be a disguise?"

Kageyama turns to the side dejectedly, shadowy tendrils coming out of nowhere and surrounding his form.

Realizing Kageyama could hear her, Yachi sweat drops "Sorry..." she grins sheepishly.

Kageyama suddenly turns serious "Out of everyone we might face in the qualifiers, there's one team I want to watch at any cost."

"I see!" Yachi points in the air and you vividly see a picture of Kageyama peeking into a gym with a recorder. "You're going to record a video of them or something!"

"Nah," You shake your head and immediately the vision goes up in smoke, Yachi looking over at you in surprise "There's an unwritten rule that you can only record official matches."

"So it's not like anything will happen just because i go watch. There's less than two months till the qualifiers since summer break is over. I feel like I should definitely check them out."

You furrow your brows watching Kageyama, he only ever get's this serious talking about... "Tobio. What team do you want to go see?"

Kageyama turns to you "Aoba Johsai."

You give a grin to the blueberry "Why didn't you just say that? C'mon I can get you in easy."

"Uh... Y/N senpai, Kageyama.." You let out a hum as you both face Yachi "If you don't wanna stand out at a school after school hours, I think it's best to just wear plain training gear."

You give a grin to the blonde manager as Kageyama look's like he just had the epiphany of the century.


You and Kageyama step off the bus, Kageyama staring up at the school as you simply carry on.

"Come on Tobio! We're wasting daylight hours!" You call out with a clap to gain the angry fruit's attention.

Luckily for you Kageyama does snap out of it but unluckily for you almost as soon as you stepped onto the campus Kageyama immediately went back to the angry mess of a middle schooler he used to be, gathering a very obvious angry purplish black aura.

In order to try and cancel it out, you gathered an Aura of Flowers and the sunshine behind you glowed brightly, making you seem like some sort of gift from the heavens. But instead of loosing attention it just gained more. All in all you both were a weird duo.

Although, you turn to Kageyama and look at hi in confusion, Tobio's muttering isn't helping much.

The muttering in question?

"I am a student of this school..." and his "Act natural's" Brought a lot of attention. It seemed no matter what you did Tobio was going to counteract it.

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