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You were apparently with Seijoh for the day. 

Trust and believe the Karasuno boys didn't like or agree with the arrangement and even Takeda and Ukai, despite knowing about you and Tooru's genetics, were hesitant to allow you but in the end Coach Irihata's idea of you being Seijoh's stand in manager won out. And with the deal you made with him, it being if your coach said yes then you'd do it, you ended up in an Aoba Johsai track suit standing next to the Aoba Johsai players. 

"This is new." You speak pulling at the over sized teal jacket, this time a spare Irihata had Mizoguchi find for him. 

"I think it suits you senpai. I remember before you left Kitagawa daiichi you were talking about attending Aoba johsai. What happened to that?" Kindaichi ask shedding his jacket.

"Oh," You and Tooru share a glance before you give Kindaichi an uneasy smile "It's nothing, just a change of heart i guess." 

Kindaichi looks ready to say something until Mizoguchi calls you over. You let out a relieved smile as you head over to the other coach. "Could you go to the nurse? We need to get a paper that Oikawa has to read over and sign before the game." 

You nod at him "Of course! As seijoh's acting manager I should preform my duties, right?"

The dirty blond feels a small smile come over his lips "Get going kid." You do so with a nod as you leave the gym. 

You come back a little later with the paper in your hands and walk over to Tooru. 

"Hey, You need to sign this." You hand the paper over to your brother who takes it before reading over it almost immediately. 

"I need to sign this can you set to the guys really quick?" 

"I'm not the one to be setting but okay i guess." 

"Ah! Thanks Y/N! You don't know how much of a help you are!!" Tooru squeals loudly and you can feel Karasuno's stare on your back. 

"Come on Tooru, off!" When he only squeezes you tighter you look to the ace "Hajime!" He doesn't miss a beat and the volleyball he was about to serve is now ramming into the back of your brothers head.

Tooru lets you go and sulks off to sign the paper and you pick up the ball and step back to see Watari, Matsukawa, Hanimaki and Yahaba were lined up. 


"You heard the captain," Yahaba gives you a shit eating grin "Set to us." 

"Your annoying." You shed your jacket and tie it around you waist and give the ball to Watari, "Could you send it over?" The libero nods before handing the ball over to Matsukawa who spikes the ball to Watari, who in turn gives you a perfect receive and you set the ball to Yahaba who's just about to jump. 

"How was that?" You put your arms down and look to the second year setter and pinch server. 

"Why aren't you a setter? That was a perfect toss..." 

You shrug at Yahaba "I'd take your job."

He walks away from you with a laugh. 

It's not too much longer when Tooru walks back over and you take a break right after sending a toss to Kunimi. 

"Where's the paper?" 

"I put it in my bag. It says I can return it to the nurse at the end of the day, so i'll return it after we beat Karasuno." You roll your eyes as you hand Tooru the ball, Watari heads off with Yahaba to do some receiving drills so you send Tooru the balls for him to set. 

The same drill is executed once again the only difference being the setter. You send the ball to Tooru who sets Hanamaki who spikes the ball down easily. 

"Not bad, Makki! You're looking sharp." Tooru compliments to which Hanamaki gives Tooru a peace sign before ducking under the net. 

The process is repeated, this time with Kindaichi "Sorry, Kindaichi, that last one was a little high." 

"Uh, no... Yes sir!" He stutters before scurrying off too. 

Tooru sets up the ball perfectly for Hajime who has no issue hitting it. 

"Iwa chan, are you a little tense?" Hajime ducks under the net but doesn't walk away hearing Tooru "You don't have to try to look good. None of the girls are looking at you anyway." 

Hajime is on the this side of the net in a flash. "Iwaizumi, calm down!" Kindaichi runs over to the vice captain and restrains him. "Senpai a little help!" 

"Oh." You step forward and hold Hajime's bicep "No. Don't hurt him."

"We're about to play!" Kindaichi tries to persuade the vice captain 

"Y/N, Kindaichi let go!!" Hajime yells trying to get out of his grip. 

You release your hold on Hajime as Tooru takes a couple of steps back "You heard him Kindaichi. Let go." Seeing that Kindaichi was still holding on to Hajime Tooru grins and picks up a volleyball in it's cart before wheeling the blue bin away. 

After that the whistle blows and the two teams line up as you scurry off the court and zip up your jacket to stand next to seijoh's two coaches. 

The whistle blows and both teams bow as a "Thank you for the game!" comes from both sides. 

The two teams go back to the side lines and of course when faced with the perfect opportunity to tease Kageyama Tooru always takes it. "Hey there, Tobio chan." Tooru's on one side of the net while Kageyama's on the other. Kageyama with his usual glare and Tooru with that stupid smirk of his. "I came here looking forward to defeating a "genius setter," so do your best to keep up with me." 

Kageyama's silent for a second before he steps a little closer to the net "We will win--" 

"We won't lose!" Hinata yells as he comes out of no where.   

"Baka! Don't interrupt me Hinata Boke!" Kageyama yells swiping at Hinata who easily ducks out of the way. 

Kageyama, quickly coming to his sense glares at your brother "We'll beat you again." 

Hinata and Kageyama stand side by side, both dead serious "Just like last time!" They say together. 

You cup your hands over your mouth "Tooru!" He, as well as Hinata and Kageyama turn to look at you "Huddle up, and stop taunting the first years!" 

He jogs over and heads to the coach dragging you along with him. 

Once the coach says his speech Seijoh heads out to the court again Tooru talking to them as they go 

"Okay let's do this, just like yesterday..." Tooru stops walking and his aura changes into more of a serious one as he looks at his team "I'm trusting you guys." And just like that the rest of the team's aura changes too, now matching Tooru's. Your eyes widen as Tooru walks away, seijoh following soon after. But... what the hell... Tooru starts walking again, seijoh following after ...was that.

ATP i am seriously jus considering putting videos (if i can find them) of the Seijoh V Karasuno game. If i can't find 'em i just might just skip the whole game bc Jesoos christ do I not wanna write it. 

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