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Walking to the gym you were quite surprised to see Nishinoya storming out.

"Noya!" You were ignored, him not even giving you a second glance. "N-noya..."

You walk into the room, bewildered. "What the hell happened with Nishinoya?!"

"He found out about Asahi." You turn around and walk back out of the gym "Y/N WAIT!"

"Nishinoya!" You call out into the courtyard looking for the second year libero.

"What do you want Y/N?"

"Noya..." Walk over to the shorter male and sit down next to him "What happened?"

"Asahi's being a wimp! He won't come back to the team because his spikes got blocked a few times, so what?!"

"Noya, date tech was hard for all of us, but..." You look up and stare at the sky, leaning back so one of your hands rest against Nishinoya's "He's the ace, so I think he took it the hardest. You know he has a heart of glass. Asahi is bearing the weigh on his shoulders all alone. And while i'm most diffidently not saying that i believe Asahi shouldn't have come back to the club but i'm saying you shouldn't call him a wimp." You stand up and give Nishinoya a pat on the head.

"I think somebody else wants to talk to you, but think about it 'kay?" You walk away, giving Hinata a pat on the back as you leave. Your startled by the other members of Karasuno behind a wall listening to the conversation.


Nishinoya attempts to teach the first years, excluding Kageyama, how to receive, which didn't go so well considering he's explaining it with noises instead of actually explaining.

"It's impossible to decipher the words of someone who moves on instinct alone." Tanaka complains

"Really? I got a good idea of what he meant." Kageyama rebuffs

"Oh, great. The geniuses can communicate privately." You roll your eyes at the two. "It's because your the same by the way, you both react on instinct alone."

The three of you watch as Nishinoya try try to teach the first years. Getting fed up you walk over to Sugawara, Tanaka following behind.

"It's good to see Noya hasn't lost his touch at all."Sugawara sighs, a small smile on his face.

"I heard Noya trained throughout his whole suspension." You add in.

"Yeah, he was getting it on with the ladies teams!" (Tanaka)

"Just like Hinata!" (Suga)

You watch as Hinata walks up to Nishinoya, "Uh, Nishinoya senpai?"

Noya turns to Hinata, giving him undivided attention at least he called him senpai.

"Who is Asahi, the person you mentioned before?"

"Baka! That's the name that must not be spoken!" (Tanaka)

"Hey, Suga senpai can i borrow this-- thanks." You take the volleyball from Suga's hands and launch it right at Hinata's face, and since he wasn't expecting it. It connected perfectly.

"He's the ace of Karasuno, for now." Nishinoya answers Hinata's question, like you didn't just attack the first year.

"'The ace'?" Hinata seems to have recovered quickly, although there is a little trace of a nose bleed.

"Why are you all dumb?" (Noya to Hinata) You snort, Hinata's always dumb.

"I want to be the ace!"

Nishinoya looks Hinata over in surprise, "You wanna be ace with your height?" Noya grabs gives a little hit to his shoulder as a smile breaks over his face, hitting Hinata over and over again, "I like you! For sure! You wanna do it because it's cool, right? Go for it! You can be the ace! You can do it!" Noya places his hands on his hips, "You have a lot more promise than our current ace!" Noya laughs as Hinata lets out a little confused noise, oh this poor boy, you sweat drop watching the two shorties. I'm loosing brain cells and he just got here.

Nishinoya turns as he continues his little rant, "I guess everyone wants to be the ace."

"Yes, sir! It's cool to be the ace!"

"Hell even the word ace is cool! The words 'setter' and 'libero' are kinda plain."

Kageyama seems to take offense to this due to the fact he's now glaring at Noya.

Sugawara, noticing this walks over to Kageyama and pats him on the back, attempting to calm him down, "Now, now..."

Noya looks up at Hinata, a certain look in his eye "But one thing that really works up a crowd during a game, better than any amazing spike... They go crazy when a super receive is made!" Nishinoya looks at his hand like it's the golden ticket "In 'tall beats all' volleyball, the libero may be one of the few positions best suited for a short player. However, I do not play the libero position because of my height. I would play libero even if i was six feet tall." Noya raises his hand, "Even if you can't spike or block, you cannot lose in volleyball. As long as the ball doesn't touch the floor. And the only one who keeps it in the sky," Nishinoya points to himself, "Is the libero."

Hinata's eyes sparkle as a blush coats his cheeks, "Th-that's so cool!"

Nishinoya blushes from embarrassment "Y-you idiot!" Noya waves his hand frantically "You don't have to say it so loud and clear, you! I'll get you two Popsicle's in soda and pear flavor?"


Nishinoya finally calms down, although Hinata still has stars in his eyes. "So, ace-wannabe, what's your special skill?"

The sparkles fall out of Hinata's eyes as he look at Nishinoya in confusion, "Huh?"

"Sure, you may be crap a receives, but i bet you have something."

"I'm, uh..." Hinata stutters, "A decoy." Did it pain him, that much to say it?

Nishinoya doesn't seem to hear "You're a duck?"

"I'm a decoy."

"Why aren't you more confident when you say that?"

"It sounds like of boring compared to 'ace' and 'guardian deity'."

Nishinoya seems puzzled by Hinata being so pressed about the name. "What it's called has nothing to do with it. If someone can score with a spike thanks to your decoy work," Nishinoya puts a fist on Hinata's heart, "That makes your position as important as the rest of 'em."

You smile at the two and throw your arm over Hinata's shoulder. "Look at you," You wipe away a fake tear. "Such character development."

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