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The Nekoma match ended in Karasuno's loss once more. And after a speech from Takeda you couldn't help but notice Suga leading the freak duo out the gym doors and since you had nothing better to do, you followed them.

"It wouldn't hurt to at least try." You get outside in just enough time to hear Suga talking to the freak duo. "I mean he was able to do a normal quick on the fly in the last Nekoma match."

"At that time, there was a possibility the normal quick would work, and I thought that was the only chance we had." You sigh in annoyance at Kageyama's refusal to agree to advancing the freak quick. You get the fact that Kageyama would like to stick with what works but if Hinata was able to hit the freak quick with his eyes open it could give it a whole new potential.

"Before I knew it, we lost the set with Seijoh," Your breath hitches as Hinata mentions your brothers team and a hand lands on your shoulder in comfort you turn to see coach behind you, although he looks surprised as well. "By the time I noticed what was going on, the ball was on the floor behind me. I was the one that lost, so I don't want you to apologize to me Kageyama. I want to fight for myself in the air, down to the very last moment!"

"With the Seijoh match, I understood, just a little bit, how the setter draws out 100% of the spikers' talents. That quick attack is your ultimate weapon. Even the smallest error in the timing of that quick attack becomes a fatal mistake. Your opinion is not necessary for that fast attack."

Kageyama passes by both you and the coach without a word and you sigh in defeat hearing Sugawara agree with Kageyama. It only gets worse when Coach Ukai steps out from behind you and agrees with both Kageyama and Sugawara. After that you turn back, unwilling to hear the rest of the conversation, however you do run into Daichi on your way back into the building.

"Hey, Y/N!"

"huh, Oh hey Daichi!"

"Have you seen Hinata, Suga, or coach?"

You point behind you with your thumb "Yeah, they're all outside."


After the game with Fukurodani, which ended in yet another loss for Karasuno, you all had to board the bus back to Miyagi due to you all having the longest drive back.

After the hours long bus drive you all made it back to Miyagi in once piece. After being dismissed by Takeda you all head to the club room and change. Once out you walk out and text Tooru that you'll be home soon.

"Oi Y/N, look!" Tanka snickers pointing to the gym who's lights are still on.

"I'll bet you two fresh pork buns that it's Kageyama and Hinata."

"Senpai! Y/N! Tanaka! Senpai!" Both you and Tanaka turn back hearing Yachi's frantic yell.

"Yachi, what's wrong?!" You check the frightened manager for any scrapes or bruises "It's Hinata and Kageyama! They're fighting!" You and Tanka glance at each other with wide eyed before all three of you rush to the gym. As you get closer and closer the three of you can hear the two of them yelling at each other from outside.

"Hey!" Tanaka runs inside and you hold a protective arm in front of Yachi who's still clinging on to you. "Stop it you two!" Before you know it Tanaka's punched both Hinata and Kageyama.


You get home and take off your shoes with sigh "I'm home!"

A man with dark brown hair and bright E/e/c eyes steps out from the kitchen, a bright smile on his face and despite his age he is still handsome as ever "Y/N! Welcome home." This is Eiichi Oikawa, your father.

"Ah, Oyaji," You give the older man a smile "It's good to see you."

"How was the volleyball training camp over in Tokyo?"

You shrug "Nothing big. We didn't win any games. So that's that."

"Oh that sounds familiar~" Tooru teases

"It's good to see you Y/N," you jump hearing Hajime's voice and turn in surprise to the two of them.

"I forgot to tell you, Hajime is staying for dinner." Another voice chimes, this time from Aikra Oikawa, your mother with dark brown eyes and e/c hair, also beautiful despite your age. You and Tooru know very well that the two of you are attractive and the two of you know why too.

"Kaasan," A smile comes over your face and you walk towards the older woman to give her a hug.

"I don't remember getting a hug from my son." You father pouts

"Oyaji, don't get too upset. I love you lots." Just to avoid any pouting you go over and give a hug to your father.

"Alright then, out you go, the two of us have to get back to cooking." You father shooed you away and you go without complaint.

Walking up the stairs you pass both Tooru and Hajime who are talking quietly you purse your lips before back to them.

"Hey, Tooru Hajime."

Both of the boys turn to you "You two smell like sex, it better not have happened in my room."

i needed some Iwaoi in my life.

Sorry it's short, couldn't think of anything

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