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Once again due to Aone being focused on Hinata another point is gained, this time by Tanaka. Tsukishima goes to the line to serve and you grin seeing that your lessons did indeed pay off as they now have a solid trajectory. Although the serve is easily received and sent to the setter who sets it to Aone. Luckily Hinata is able to get a one touch in.

Nishinoya once again saves the ball which Daichi sends to Kageyama who sets Hinata up for a spike. Aone and Futakuchi try to block Hinata but they leave a space for the ball through their arms and Hinata sends the ball through it getting Karasuno to set point.

"Wow... Set point for us against the famous Date Tech?" Michimiya utters in bewilderment.

"For the first set, it seems so." I hope we take the first set. Then the second.

Kageyama sets the ball to Asahi and even though Hinata is in the air too Aone isn't fooled by the decoy this time and attempts blocks Asahi's spike. The just barely goes over Aones finger tips but the libero manages to receive it although he doesn't do it well and the ball goes flying out. Karasuno winning the first set.

The second set starts with a serve from Tanaka that ends up with a point for Date tech. That's quickly shaken off when Karasuno gets a point via Asahi.

Number 1 launches the ball into play and Daichi easily receives it and sends it to Kageyama who sets the ball up to Asahi who gains Karasuno another point but Aone almost blocked the ball.

The ball bounces back and forth around the court and soon the games is at 16, Date Tech and 17, Karasuno.

Futakuchi preforms a jump serve which Tanaka manages to receive and sends to Kageyama who then sets the ball to Asahi. Asahi attempts a spike but Aone blocks it. Making the score 17 to 17.

Asahi spikes the ball once more and Asahi manages to get past Aone but Aone gets a one touch in the process. The ball is returned to Karasuno's side in the form of a quick attack although Asahi and Tsukishima block Aone's spike making the point 17, Date Tech 18, Karasuno.

Tanaka makes a spike, 18 to 19, and the rotation changes causing fro Hinata to be at the front while Aone rotates to the back.

Tsukishima serves the ball and date tech's libero receives it and sends it to the setter. 12 attempts a spike and Asahi receives it sending back up to Kageyama. Kageyama sends the ball up to Hinata who easily spikes the ball into the ground and earns a point. 18 to 20.

A few points later and Date Tech and Karasuno are at 20 and 22 respectively.

Asahi one touches a ball and its sent to Kageyama who sets it to Asahi who gains another point when 2 is unable to receive it properly and it goes out. 20 and 23.

Your eyes widen as number 1 blocks one of Asahi's balls. 21 to 23. What got into him to make him do that? And then you groan seeing Aone rotate back up front. Please just two more points.

Date Tech serves the ball which Nishinoya receives and sends up to Hinata which Aone blocks but unfortunately for him the ball winds up hitting the net and falling back into Date Tech's side of the court. Match point!

And... Hinata's serving. Nope that's okay! Have faith in your Kohai, he's got this. Hinata serves the ball too hard and winds up earning Date Tech a point. 22 to 24. Another Rotation and Hinata is out but Asahi is up front. The ace is up front, everything will be fine..!

The ball is played by Date tech and Nishinoya receives it and sends it up to Kageyama who sets it to Tsukishima who manages to get it past a three man block although the libero received his ball.

Date's setter sends it to Aone who spikes it down and Tanaka is there to receive it, Kageyama quickly sets the ball to the ace who spikes it but the wall blocks it and sends it to the back, which is wide open!

You grip the railing harder and lean forward as you see Nishinoya race to the back before sliding down and successfully digging the ball up.

Kageyama sends the ball to Asahi but it's a little too close to the net and lands Asahi in a joust with Aone. A joust which Asahi looses. You watch in seemingly slow motion as the ball approaches the floor. And then, a save. Nishinoya's foot shoots out and the balls back in the air and the look in Nishinoya's eyes make you flush. You've never seen him look so attractive. You swallow the saliva in your mouth and watch as Kageyama sets once more to a running Asahi.

The toss you recognize, how couldn't you? It's Asahi's favorite.

Asahi flies into the air and spikes the ball down. The ball flies to the net before rolling backwards and into Date Tech's court. Karasuno takes the set! Asahi...Our pillar. Our Ace!

Michimiya calls out the third years names and they walk over in surprise, not knowing they were there. In all honesty you were paying so much attention to the game you forgot they were there.

"Good job on clearing round two!" Oh, that's right... if Michimiya's here that means the girls didn't wind round one...

"Michimiya! I thought I heard a lot of girl's voices."

Sugawara looks at the captain unimpressed "Didn't you notice them?"

Seeing you observe the girls and third years talking Nishinoya and Tanaka rush over so they are standing in front of you. "Y/N hey!!"

You grin to the two second years "Hello you two, very good game. Nishinoya that save you did with your foot," You feel your cheeks light up just thinking about it "Very impressive. And Tanaka, you played very well, your spikes were very good and your energy was unmatched." Soon the rest of the team, including Kiyoko walked over.

Daichi bows "Thank you for coming!"

The rest of the team bows too "Thank you for coming!" They echo.

You walk down the stairs and to the gym doors to meet up with your team only to see your brother running his mouth like usual.

"Guess who's going to chew up and spit out king and dark horses alike," Tooru bounces the ball he's about to serve. "And make it to nationals?" He smashes the ball between his palms before staring down the team in front of him "We are!"

Oh great, now I have to deal with this.

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