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Your unfazed by all the attention Tooru is getting from the girls, but Tanaka doesn't seem to share the same sentiment.

"Y/N, Kageyama, who is Mr.Slim there?" He points to Tooru, "I am exceedingly displeased."

"That's Seijoh's team captain." Daichi explains.

"That's Oikawa, a super offensive setter. I'd say he's at the top of his class for attacks and team play." Kageyama turns to Hinata, an annoyed look on his face. "And he's got a bad attitude too."

"Worse than you?!" Hinata exclaims.

"Maybe even worse than Tsukishima." Kageyama adds on.

"That's awful." (Hinata)

"So he's from Kitagawa daiichi?" Tanaka ask.

You nod, "Yup."

"Y/N senpai you seem to know a lot about Oikawa, how?" Hinata ask.

"Oh, it's not that hard. Especially because he's my--"

Your cut off by the very guy your all looking at. "Yoohoo! Long time no see, Tobio-chan. So nice to see you. Still doing the king thing?"

Tobio ignores him in favor of explaining how he learned everything he knows from Oikawa.

The game soon resumes and you stare in baited breath as Karasuno hits set point. Seijoh trailing by four points. The whistle blows and you look to see Kindaichi being swapped out for Tooru. You sigh crossing your arms. If Karasuno doesn't get a handle on your brother's serves. The will be over a lot sooner than they think.

"No matter how strong their attacks are, it falls flat if they never connect with the ball."

Tooru smirks as he points to Tsukishima and you sigh through your nose, you forget how annoying your brother can be when he's in a game. "He's targeting Tsukishima." And you were correct. Tooru throws up the ball and executes the jump serve he's been perfecting since he was in junior high and gains a point through Tsukishima's bad receive.

"Yeah, I thought so." Tooru places a hand on his hip. "I started watching midway through. You guys, number six and number five... You're bad at receives." You have to hide your laugh behind a fake cough due to the offended looks of the two. "Are you guys first years."

"Okay, i'm going to do another." Tooru announces. And like he said he gives Tsukishima another ball which calls for another bad receive leading to another point of Seijoh.

You realize Seijoh only needs one more point until their at set point too.

"Hey, you, great king!" Please don't call him that, his ego's big enough already. "Aim for me! I can take it! Target me!" Hinata yells out at Tooru.

Daichi stops the fighting first years and widens his receiving zone, which Tooru is quick to pick up. But that doesn't matter.

"Tsukki!" (A literal baby)

"He made a pinpoint hit on the guy so close to the edge!" (Takeda)

"But the momentum has to be slower due to the emphasis on control!" (Suga)

Not when Tooru hits the ball and it lands where Tsukishima is able to get a somewhat mediocre receive in. But a receive able to get to Kageyama none the less.

"It's up!" (Suga)

"Tsukki, good going!" (Freckle baby who deserves the fucking world)

"Hey, you got it. Way to go. Maybe I made it a bit too easy to get, still... this is our chance ball now." Tooru put's his hand in a receiving position, eyes not leaving the ball. "See? It's an oh-so yummy chance ball." He does a perfect receive, the ball heading straight (unlike pretty much everyone in the show) for Yahaba. "Nail it good, you guys."

Yahaba gives a ball to Kindaichi who then get's blocked by Hinata, who then gets a one-touch. The ball gets sent to Kageyama who sets it to Hinata. Hinata is up in the air when the ball goes sailing from Hinata's hand to the court faster than you can even blink.

Your mouth drops open and you stare at the ball bouncing on the floor. The whistle blows loudly and your running to the small carrot top. "HINATA BABY YOU DID IT!!" You bring Hinata into your arms and start swinging him around. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" You squeeze him.

"Please, Y/N senpai... can't breath. Let. Go." Hinata wheezes out.

"Oh, sorry." You smile sheepishly as you place him down.


Karasuno was walking to the gates of Aoba johsai conversing amongst yourselves until a serious topic was brought up: Volleyball.

"I know what Takeda sensei said, but to be blunt, we are lacking something vital to play and actually win a real game against the Seijoh team with Oikawa on it."

"Ooh, spoken like a true captain." Oh great, you sigh, this bitch. Karasuno stops spying Tooru. "You do have eyes." Tooru looks over at you all, a smirk playing on his lips.

"There you are, great king!" Hinata yells out as he and Tanaka make their way to him.

"What's with you?" (Tanaka)

"What do you want?" (Hinata)

"Wanna rumble?" (Tanaka)

"Yeah let's rumble." (Hinata)

Tooru gives the two a closed eye smile, although you know it's a fake one. "Don't be so scary." He addresses Hinata, "You, the little guy. That last one-touch and broad jump were pretty ace!"

A blush comes over Hinata's face at the compliment, "What, oh..."

Then, Oikawa gets serious, "Next time, try to use full force from the start. I haven't shown you how I set up yet. Oh, right, and i'll be working on perfecting my serve." Oh, great. My arms are going to be sore from receiving, again... "Your combination attack is pretty amazing, but the receives need to be quicker or you'll run out of power." Oikawa walks toward Karasuno "After all, I'm not the only guy who can hit power serves. The inter-high tournament is coming up. I want you guys to make the cut." He arrives at Karasuno and points his finger at Kageyama. "I want to squash my special, little kouhai in an official game fair and square, as a fellow setter."

Hinata rushes over to Tsukishima and grabs on to his arm "W-we can train to receive!" You shake your head at Hinata.

"We don't have enough time Hinata. Good receives take a lot of practice."

"Y/N's right you know," Tooru walks past your group and heads towards the school "I'm sure both he and your captain can attest to that. The tournament is starting soon, I look forward to seeing your improvement." He walks away before pausing. "Oh and Y/N?" He turns to look over at you "Are you going to stick around and come home with me or are you going back to Karasuno?"

"Karasuno." You wave him away and continue walking to the bus, ignoring the bewildered looks of everyone but Kageyama, he went to the same middle school as both of you. He knows, not his fault the rest are to dense to figure it out. You have the same last name for goodness sake.

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