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Like you said, after the break, Johzenji was a whole different team after their time out. And due to them being a different team it was a different game as well.

First it was a feint that got not only Tsukishima and Kageyama on the block and Daichi on recovery. Then it was Kageyama getting suckered into blocking number three before he set to Terushima. It was revealed that Terushima wasn't expecting the ball at all.

"Damn, this was a certain swing in pace..."

Yachi looks over at you in confusion "What do you mean Senpai?"

"Johzenji's looking before they leap. They're observing the opponent and thinking ahead. And..." You watch as the ball is served up. "If they really get in the groove that could spell trouble for us." You let out a sigh of relief seeing Tsukishima jump up to make the block, sending the ball shooting back down to Johzenji's side.

As Tsukishima  rotates to the back to serve and Hinata goes to the front Terushima calls his team members. You watch in concern. Other teams have been able to stop Hinata and Kageyama's quick before, is Johzenji going to be added to the list?

"Johzenji hasn't been able to stop Hinata's fast attacks yet." Takinoue says before facing the team, "Take it all in one swoop!"

Daichi makes a receive and Hinata jumps up but everyone in Johzenji goes into a receiving formation. The libero receives the ball but it goes long and Terushima kicks the ball up to keep it from falling, number seven manages to jump up and slam the ball down to Karasuno's side of the court.

20 Karasuno
18 Johzenji

"A two point gap, huh?" Takinoue says, almost to himself.

"This happened to them with Seijoh too." You turn your gaze to Hinata on the court and stare at the small middle blocker, something unreadable in your eyes. "Hinata's spikes are still pretty light." However seeing a fiery aura come over Hinata you smirk. "But i think," You eye Hinata as he marches over to Kageyama and pulls him down before whispering in his ear. "Little Hinata has a plan."

Johzenji's number four serves the ball that get's received by Noya and sent up to Kageyama who sets to Hinata. Hinata, already in the air due to them preforming the new and improved freak quick, slams the ball down into an open space, Johzenji's libero was not able to get to the ball in time ending the rally in Karasuno's point.

"I guess this means things things have changed since the Seijoh match." Takinoue cheers and the two of you give one another a high-ten.

A smile that splits your cheeks comes across your face as you clap at what just occurred. "And what do we say Yacchan?"

"Nice kill!" Yachi yells. Hearing the first year Kiyoko looks up and locks eyes with the blonde. Yachi turns bright red as Kiyoko gives her a smile and a thumbs up. "Kiyoko senpai noticed me!" Yachi squeals out, crocodile tears falling from her eyes.

After a few rallies, the most recent one ending in Johzenji's point, Daichi walks over to a frustrated Hinata and whispers something to him. The next rally when Hinata get's the ball the first year preforms a feint getting Karasuno to set point.

Once again with Karasuno at set point Johzenji goes for a synchronized attack. While Terushima manages to get the ball this time he spikes it too hard and it's an out.

25 Karasuno
20 Johzenji

Karasuno takes their first game.

"This lands us in the top eight!" You cheer as you lock eyes with a smiling Yamaguchi and give him a thumbs up to which you get a enthusiastic thumbs up in return.

"We did it!" (Yachi)

"Alright Yacchan." You place a hand on the girls shoulder and give her a smile "Let's go congratulate our team!"

The two of you head out and once you meet up with the others immediately Tanaka and Nishinoya are rushing towards the two of you for a high ten. You gently pull Yachi away but Ennoshita straight up says fuck that and grabs both Nishinoya and Tanaka by their collars to stop them from high tenning the two of you.

"Calm down! Don't bombard the two of them!"

Once Ennoshita scolds them a little more, honestly bless him ennoshita is a fucking sweetheart we stan, he lets them go and watches the four of you wearily.

Tanaka and Nishinoya high then the two of you separately but you being a little bold (finally), just enter lace you and Nishinoya's hand and you pull him along towards the rest of the team, completely ignoring how red the two of you got (and ignoring Sugawara's wiggling eyebrows).


You all finally make it to the school and file into the gym. After you make Tanaka and Nishinoya unload all of the stuff (hey they offered), you all sit down facing Takeda and Coach Ukai.

"Thank you for all the hard work on Day one!" (Takeda)

"Thank you!" (the bby crows)

"Wakutani South, our next opponent, is not like any previous opponent. They have their third years like us. They're an extremely polished team They're defense and tenacity are close to Nekoma's. So don't loose your temper just because you can't get an attack in." Coach Ukai turns and looks dead at Tanaka and Hinata "Especially you guys, you psyched up simpletons."

Daichi gives the coach a reassuring smile "It will be alright. We've got their backs." The idiot trio. (Read: Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Hinata) all turn to Daichi and let out a noise of awe.

"We're counting on you guys!" Nishinoya and Asahi chorus.

"All right," Daichi stands up "We're going to make it through tomorrow, too." Daichi clenches his fist and you can feel the air around the team fill with determination.


Without anymore to say the team huddles up.

"Karasuno, fight!"



Walking out of the gym and towards your house you see two familiar figures.

"Sugawara senpai, Daichi senpai!"

"Huh?" Suga turns around and flashes you a smile Daichi doing the same.

"Oh, Y/N. What's up?"

"Nothing. Just saw you two walking together and got a little curious." Now it's your turn to wiggle your eyebrows "What are you two gonna get up to? Celebrating making it past the first day?"

"Y/N!" Sugawara gives you a negativity begone hit but you don't miss the bright pink blush on his cheeks, Daichi having a less prominent shade dusting the top of his ears.

You cackle as you jog off "Don't bee too hard on Sugawara senpai, Daichi senpai!"

You hear Suga let out an appalled noise so you hightail it out of there before you are subjected to anymore of Suga's surprisingly strong hits.

A/N: WARNING!!! Spoilers for the game against Wakutani south!!!

Daichi's gonna die soon :(
Poor single mama suga :((

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