Pollinating a Rose pt. 2 (Lemon)

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Y/n kisses Ruby's back slowly all the way to her neck teasing the little rose, he then pulled her close and kissed and licked her neck causing her to moan. She felt Y/n's hands caress her gently delicately working with her, Ruby squeaked as Y/n gently squeezed her butt. He then removed the ball gag from her mouth.

Y/n: "You were about three steps ahead, but I can tell that you aren't a bondage girl like the rest of them"

Ruby: "What made it so obvious?"

Y/n took off the collar off of Ruby's neck.

Y/n: "You don't embrace my touch, you flinch by even the sound of the chain..."

Y/n tossed the leash to the side.

Y/n: "I want to take you Ruby, the real you"

Ruby's eyes glistened, she then hugged Y/n close pulling him into the bed. She started kissing and biting Y/n's neck gently, he panted as he felt marks being created on his neck.

Ruby: "Now you're mine now Y/n"

Y/n: "I've always been yours Ruby"

Y/n unwrapped Ruby and slowly slid a finger into her womanhood, Ruby squeaked as he entered and started to moan as Y/n pumped his fingers into her. Y/n felt himself harden as Ruby's hot breath from panting touched his chest, Y/n cupped Ruby's cheek and kissed her allowing their tongues dance with each other. Y/n he then felt Ruby climax as she sprayed all over the bed, he caressed her hair as she panted from the climax.

Y/n: "Are you ready for me to take you"

Ruby: "P-Please be gentle"

Y/n: "I will my beautiful petal"

Y/n laid down on the bed as Ruby straddled him, she aligned her wet opening to his dick and slowly lowered herself. She then felt the barrier in between her womb and Y/n's dick breaking, she started to tear up immediately and screamed once she broke the barrier allowing Y/n's dick to enter her womb. She started to cry from the pain that she has experienced, Y/n went up to her and gave her a kiss to her forehead.

Y/n: "Don't rush, take your time petite Rose" (little Rose)

Ruby nodded as she hugged Y/n close, she kissed his neck gently as the two intertwined their fingers together. They didn't feel anything other than love, not lust, not passion, just pure love for each other.

Y/n: "Je t'aime ma Rose" (I love you my Rose)

Ruby: "I love you too...Mon Aigle" (My Eagle)

Y/n felt his heart flutter as Ruby was able to speak her first word in French, Ruby started to bounce her hips as Y/n's long "sword" went in and out of her pussy. Y/n started to groan as Ruby produced cute moans out of her mouth.

Ruby: "You're so big Y/n!"

Y/n: "And gah!...you're so tight Ruby!"

Ruby then felt Y/n's hands go to her hips, he thrusted into her causing Ruby to shoot her head backwards and moan out in pleasure.

Ruby: "Oh Y/n!~"

Y/n: "Ruby! I love you!"

Ruby: "I- Ah!~ I love you too!"

Y/n and Ruby intertwined fingers and kissed each other, the two shared a tender kiss together. Their tongues danced together, Ruby just like the rest of the girls were loved dearly. He loved her and the other girls and is willing to sacrifice his life for them, the thought left his head as he felt his dick twitch in Ruby's womb.

Y/n: "Ruby I'm ready to release!"

Ruby took Y/n's manhood out of her womanhood and pumped his dick as she put the head into her mouth, she felt a large amount of spunk shoot into her mouth causing her to puff her cheeks. She swallowed the load drop by drop slowly, she took out the tip from her mouth and opened wide showing no signs of semen in her mouth.

Y/n: Mon dièux Ruby" (I heard from a comment that it is spelled like this)

Ruby giggled as she crawled up to Y/n, she nuzzled herself to Y/n.

Y/n: "I hope your first time was a good one"

Ruby: "It was Y/n, thanks for making my first so memorable. I hope we can do this again"

Y/n: "If it pleases my Rose then I'll do just that"

Ruby smiled as Y/n pulled in the covers over them.

Y/n: "Goodnight Ruby, I love you"

Ruby: "I love you too Y/n"

(And here is the end of the team RWBY lemon, man I can't believe that I made over thirty chapters (this is excluding the ones that aren't part of story). I hope you guys are still sticking around to read this book, if you guys and gals want give me suggestions on what should happen next on this story. This is a group project and you guys can participate if you want, that's all for now folks! Peace Out✌🏻)

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