Back into the Storm

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Y/n woke up a bit hung over, he really wanted to go back to sleep but the sun didn't allow him. He then looked next to him and saw Weiss cuddled up to him and snoring quietly, Y/n got up making sure he didn't wake Weiss up and hit the shower. He turned on the water and stood there letting the water hit his body, he then felt a pair of arms wrap around him as he went for a the bottle of shampoo.

Y/n: "Morning Weiss"

Weiss: "Hello Y/n, how did you sleep?"

Y/n: "I slept well, you?"

Weiss: "I slept very well, thank you"

Y/n was then about to apply the shampoo onto his hand but Weiss stopped him.

Weiss: "do you want me to wash your hair?"

Y/n: "Um...okay"

Y/n crouched down letting Weiss do her handiwork, he felt her fingers gently rub his scalp. He felt relaxed and leaned into Weiss causing Weiss to smile.

Weiss: "You remind me of a cat"

Y/n: "How so?"

Weiss: "Because you're leaning into my touch and you're just so cute"

Y/n meowed at Weiss teasingly causing her to hug Y/n. He noticed a string hanging from her butthole and remembered the anal beads from last night, Y/n started tugging it causing Weiss to moan.

Weiss: "Y-Y/n!"

Y/n started to pull them out one bead at a time, Weiss started to get wet between the legs and he knew it wasn't the shower making her wet. He then teasingly pulled the last one but didn't pop the bead out.

Weiss: "Please take it out Y/n, p-please"

Y/n: "As you wish Weiss~"

He roughly pulled it out causing Weiss to moan out and spray all over the tiles of the shower, Y/n got up and then gently sat Weiss down.

Y/n: "I'll wash your hair next okay?"

Weiss: "O-Okay"

Y/n started to wash Weiss' luxurious hair, the shampoo rubbed against Weiss' scalp gently soothing her.

Weiss: "You're very good with your hands Y/n"

Y/n: "Merci, I'm glad I can please my snow princess"

The two got out of the shower and changed into their clothes, the two got out of the hotel room and took a bullhead to Beacon. On their way there Y/n played with his prized possessions: His Balisong aka his butterfly knife.

Y/n started doing inspections and some of his favorite Balisong tricks that he learned from a friend back in France, Weiss watched intrigued by the weapon

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Y/n started doing inspections and some of his favorite Balisong tricks that he learned from a friend back in France, Weiss watched intrigued by the weapon.

Y/n started doing inspections and some of his favorite Balisong tricks that he learned from a friend back in France, Weiss watched intrigued by the weapon

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Weiss: "What is that?"

Y/n: "The first ever weapon before I was apart of the assassin order..."

Y/n then closed his Balisong earning a satisfying clasping noise in the end, then opening it again for Weiss to see the red rose etched on the knife

Y/n: "...the Balisong, also known as the butterfly knife"

Weiss: "Where did you get it?"

Y/n: "Well...I got it from some guy in a suit, even before I was an assassin I was taught the another way of stealth, a method I called cloak and dagger by the man who trained me. He called himself...Spy"

Weiss: "Really now?"

Y/n: "Yeah...he taught me how to be a sharper assassin and gave me the tools necessary for the different job. Don't know where he is now but he's out there somewhere in France..."

Weiss leaned her head against Y/n's shoulder.

Weiss: "Are you going to go back when you graduate?"

Y/n: "I'll visit there but I won't stay there..."

Weiss: "How come?"

Y/n kissed her cheek causing her to blush.

Y/n: "Because I have eight girlfriends to be with here in Vale"

Weiss cuddled against his chest and smiled.

Weiss: "I love you"

Y/n: "I love you too"

The bullhead finally landed making Y/n think of something he's intimidated about.

Y/n: "They won't find out about this will they?"

Weiss: "I doubt it"


Blake: "You guys banged didn't you?"

Weiss/Y/n: "Fuck"

Yang: "When is it my turn?!"

Y/n: "I'm going team order because of the FUCKING PLOT!"

Author: "Aw shit!"

Y/n: "Why can't I bang Yang next?!"

Author: "Plot you fucker!"

The Author then runs off, Y/n then opened his butterfly knife and chased after him.

Y/n: "I'm going to gut you like a Cornish Game Hen!"

-Take Two-

Y/n: "I'm not ready for you yet Yang"

Yang walked up to him and hugged him close letting her bust squeeze against his chest.

Yang: "What?~ Can't handle the full deal?"

Y/n: "If I'm being very honest: Yeah I'm seriously not ready"

Yang then cuddled onto his chest.

Yang: "Aww okay, I'll wait"

Ruby: "So...when am I gonna get a proper date?"

Y/n: "Probably after your sister"

Ruby: "Aw what?! Why?!"

Y/n: "Because if you get your cherry popped first then you get the date last"

Ruby pouted looking away from Y/n, he only chuckled at her response.

Y/n: "Oh come here you"

He then hugged her from behind causing her to blush, she then returned the hug with her signature smile.

-another timeskip-

Everybody was sleeping in the dorm except for Y/n who was playing with his Balisong, he smiled remembering his time training with Spy and how strict yet caring he truly was. He then took out a briefcase and opened it revealing a sapper, a watch, and another hidden blade. Y/n then looked at the watch, he took it out and put it on. He clicked on a button and he turned himself invisible, he turned it off with a look of satisfaction. He then remembered some of the things that spy said when he was with him and some of his other work partners, he thought of one and immediately tried to do an impression.

Y/n: "Ahem...Gentlemen?"

(There you guys have it, yes I have done it. I made a hybrid French assassin of Arno from Assassin's Creed and Spy from TF2. I hope you like the changes I did. Peace Out✌🏻)

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