The Soldier

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I know that I am very late about this but better late then never, on April 13 2020 the voice actor Rick May tragically passed away because of the Covid-19
Pendemic. His death sparked into an explosion that sent a shockwave around the gaming community, he was famous for voicing many characters like Peppy Hare and Andross from Starfox and his most iconic voice for The All American, The Rocket Jumper, The Soldier. I may have been a bit late to join TF2 but I won't let that stop me from honoring The Soldier that we all know and love. Of all the strokes and heart attacks that has happened to Rick a worldwide pandemic was the only thing that could've killed him, but that brings me to a question I want to ask you all. Does a man die from a bullet? Does a man die from an explosion? Does a man die from a virus? No he does not. A man dies when he is forgotten and the TF2 community refuses to forget the man who voiced the All American Glorious Rocket Jumping Bastard Soldier. He may not have fought in any wars, but he truly was The Soldier. You were good Rick real good, and you were certainly the best, rest easy Mr. May and continue to rocket jump up in the stars and in our hearts.

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