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Hello boys and girls of Wattpad,

It's been a wild ride, a ride that lasted two years at the moment. I am so blessed to have you guys read my books and have you influence this very book, yes I said that, you guys are the reason why this book, my first book is doing so well. Yet I feel like I haven't really done much for you guys.

Lately I have gone off of Assassin's Creed to pursue my Martial Art stories, I haven't posted any proper Assassin's Creed content apart from this book...that ladies and gentlemen is going to change today.

I remember the first poll I ever did about the next book I should do, I ended up doing a book that my selfish ass desired to do instead of appealing to my audience which I regret greatly, but now my lazy bitch ass is ready to deliver. My most recent book has received 100 votes which means it's time to release another book, and like I said before: I will continue to deliver chapters upon chapters of every book that I write, so now that is out of the way I want to ask you all...

...Are you ready to Defy?

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