Getting to know Team RWBY

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Y/n got to know each member in team Rwby. Ruby was a ball of innocence and purity which is rare in the world he lives in and is in love with cookies and weapons, Weiss is the heiress of the Schnee dust company and went to Beacon just to get away from Atlas (well no shit that shitstain of a father is a fucking asshole) and she tries to improve in almost every aspect (except for that arrogant attitude I presume) and has a feisty attitude which he thought was adorable, Blake didn't say much but only said she had a "dark past" which he can tell because he knew she is a Faunus (was able to find out with eagle vision and obvious movements of her bow), Yang is a carefree, fun loving person and is Ruby's half sister and her mother left her when she was very young. Y/n started to trust in team Rwby which gave in relief, Y/n was now at team RWBY's dorm, he woke up and rubbed his eye. Then he heard breathing and plastic from his right and shot his hand towards it, he then found a plastic whistle in his hands and glared at Ruby

Y/n: "Ruby if you try that again I swear to Oum I will eat all your cookies"

Ruby:"*scared* W-What?! Y-Y-You're bluffing!"

Y/n smirked as he dashed to her box of cookies and took on out and tried to eat it

Ruby: "w-w-w-wait! Let's be reasonable here Y/n!"

Y/n was close to putting it into his mouth

Ruby: "Ok ok I'm sorry I won't do it again just please don't!*gives Y/n the sad puppy eyes and whimpers*"

Y/n: "promise?"

Ruby: "I pwomise!"

Y/n chuckled at that

Y/n: "alright you adorable flower"

Ruby pouted as he ruffled her hair, he then went to the bathroom to wash up and change, he got out with a discomforting look on his face

Y/n: "Mon deú this uniform is uncomfortable..."

Blake: "At least we get to be in the best huntsman and huntress academy"

Y/n: "...fair point"

He looked around to see team Rwby's makeover in their dorm as he saw some books, a painting, some posters and one of the blinds cut in half

Y/n: "not bad"

Weiss: "anyways what time do we have classes"

Ruby: "at 9:00-"

Y/n looked at his watch in shock

Y/n: "Sacrebleu 9:00?!"

Ruby: "yeah why?"

Y/n: "it's freaking 8:55!"

Soon Y/n and team RWBY were running through the halls as JNPR were also running through the halls, as they got in the way Y/n wall ran past them

Y/n: "Move Bon Dieu!(goddamnit!)"

Y/n then ran into Professor Port's classroom and vaulted his way into a seat as team RWBY and JNPR were behind him panting

Ruby: "we're here!"

Yang: "Y/n now you're gonna teach me that!"

Port: "ah team Rwby so glad you can make it! Please take a seat"

Team Rwby sat down near Y/n as they were hearing Port's "lectures" which were just stories of him in the past

Y/n: "alors Port, qu'est-ce que tu es censé être un professeur ou un rejeton de Gaston?(so Port what are you supposed to be a professor or a Gaston reject?)"

Some students laughed at that

Port: "Mr Dorian please don't interrupt"

They continued the lecture, Y/n watched as Ruby drew a a picture of Professor Port but changed the word Port with Pork which made him chuckle silently however getting a nasty glare from Weiss. Then Professor Port stopped

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