Honor the Fallen

733 18 5

6 AM

The heart was heavy for the young French assassin as he rode a truck of which its wheels rolled the sandy road with the shopkeeper from his date with Ruby, his eyes were shadowed by his hood hiding the sorrow that he carried. The shopkeeper took immediate notice as he put his gloved hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Shopkeep: "Head held high partner"

Y/n: "What's the point, the only man who was dumb enough to be the second obnoxious joy is gone. How the hell am I supposed to after my one of nine uncle figures are gone"

The shopkeeper sighed as he removed the hard hat from his head and wiped some of the sweat off his bald head.

Shopkeep: "You were right about him ya know, he may have been obnoxious and dumb as dirt but kept us feeling high. I'd reckon that we'd all be dead without him, I do care for him partner, we all do..."

He then put his hard hat back on as a smile appeared on his face.

Shopkeep: "...and I'd doubt that he'd want any of us to be low, so keep your head high for him"

Y/n: "But not enough for your head to be popped by a Sniper"

The Shopkeep and Y/n shared a small laugh together from the joke.

Y/n: "But in all seriousness I'll do that, thanks Mr. Conagher"

Shopkeep: "Now how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to be so formal, Engineer or Engi is just fine partner"

8 AM

Y/n then looked out the road as the truck turned left, a large curtain and some cardboard cutouts of cacti and bushes were moved to reveal a base of operations. The car was parked along with three others.

Engineer: "Ready there Y/n?"

Y/n: "Yes I am, let's go Engi"

The two walked in the building, there they met eight other men, the very people that were willing to care for him before the brotherhood were inside the meeting room of the very building the walked towards. A main in a suit, tie and a ski mask greeted the two.

Engineer: "Howdy"

???: "You are just in time laborer, thank you for bringing the boy"

Engineer: "Much obliged"

The man then turned to Y/n as he tightened his tie a bit more.

???: "It has been a long time hasn't it mon ami?"

Y/n chuckled a bit as he removed the hood that was over his head.

Y/n: "Ç'est bon de te revoir...Spy" (It's good to see you again)

(If a word is not in the English translation it means he is speaking that word in english)

Spy: "Quant à toi mon garçon" (As to you my boy)

Spy then turned to Engineer.

Spy: "Engineer, if you may give me and the boy some time alone"

Engineer nodded as he walked into the room of the other mercs as Spy and Y/n stand face to face with one another.

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