A Rose will Blossom

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Y/n was inside the weapon maintenance room with Ruby, he was working on a new weapon that packed a large punch for his arsenal. Ruby on the other hand was fixing up her Crescent Rose. After she finished reassembling Crescent Rose she walked up to the French assassin to see what he was working on.

Ruby: "Hi Y/n!"

Y/n: "Bonjour ma petite Rose" (Hello my little Rose)

Ruby: "You're spending a lot of time on this new weapon of yours, are we still going on our date?"

Y/n: "Of course we are Ruby, I'm just finishing up mine. I just had to make a lachti for Weiss and Winter since they don't have a firearm"

Y/n took out two silver lachti, they had a slim barrel with the Schnee logo on a textured grip.

Y/n took out two silver lachti, they had a slim barrel with the Schnee logo on a textured grip

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(Bottom one obviously)

Ruby looked at them impressed.

Ruby: "Thats pretty nice"

Y/n: "Now mine is a weapon used back in the French Revolution, I was able to find the blueprints of this weapon in an old chest. It's a early development of the grenade launcher and has an axe on the front for it to be used as a melee weapon as well, Ruby I give you..."

Y/n then lifted the weapon showing it to Ruby.

Y/n then lifted the weapon showing it to Ruby

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Y/n: "The Guillotine Gun"

Ruby's eyes sparkled at the gun.

Ruby: "So cool!"

Y/n: "I still have to make the mortars, so until then this will stick to being a melee weapon"

Y/n then wiped the sweat off his head.

Y/n: "I'm going to take a shower then we can go on our date, okay?"

Ruby: "Okay!"

Y/n swung his Guillotine Gun over his shoulder, as he walked out of the door Ruby got to see his defined back muscle. Ruby bled from her nose a bit but got out of her trance and cleaned the blood off her nose.

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