The date

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Y/n wore his trench and a scarf, while Weiss ties his hair pouting and whining

Weiss: "How come my sister gets to go on a date with you first instead of me?!"

Y/n: "Weiss, it's just a formal dinner nothing more"

Weiss pouted as he turned away blushing, Y/n just smirked as he then pinned Weiss onto the wall lifting her hands up and kissed her. She squealed as he melted into the kiss, she then started to rub her legs together. Y/n noticed this and broke the kiss as he smirked

Y/n: "You're wet~"

Weiss blushed as he released her hands

Y/n: "Don't worry Weiss I'll take you on an individual date, I'm doing it for everyone else"

Weiss smiled, Y/n kissed her forehead lovingly and left the bathroom. Yang and Ruby were playing a video game together while Blake was doing the usual and read, Y/n adjusted his tie and took his Phantom blade and attached it to his forearm

Y/n: "Alright girls I'm off, try not to cause any trouble when I'm gone"

Blake nodded as Yang and Ruby kissed his cheek before he left, he went down to the location that he was requested to go and he expected a high class theatre or restaurant, but instead he was in front of a casual movie theater.

Y/n: "Huh...I expected a fancy restaurant..."

???: "We could do that if you want"

He turned to see a woman in a white trench who he identified as Winter

Y/n: "Bonjour"

Winter: "Good evening Y/n"

Y/n held the door open for Winter to go through, she just smiled as Y/n held the door

Winter: "Weiss was right about you"

Y/n: "I try my best"

They both enter and buy their tickets, then they took their seats in the theater. Both waited for the previews to finish that way they can watch a movie both wanted to watch: Joker. They watched the movie as Winter leaned her head against Y/n's shoulder, the movie ended and they walked out of the theater

Y/n: "How was the movie?"

Winter: "Very intriguing, it reminds me of remnant in general..."

Y/n held her hand

Y/n: "How so?"

Winter sighed

Winter: "The rich seems to always be over the poor and the faunus, we truly live in that kind of society..."

Y/n: "Then it's the job of the people both humans and Faunus to change that...if they won't listen then the people will make them..."

Winter looked at him, he had a glint in his eyes that showed determination and passion. She smiled at him

Winter: "No wonder Weiss likes you so much, you have that look in your eyes..."

Y/n: "How so?"

Winter: "It shows confidence and stubbornness yet humble and forgiving, you also show determination in your eyes"

Y/n smiled as he looked up at the starry night sky as he thought to himself

Y/n: 'That's what my mother told me...'

They then make it to a diner, Y/n and Winter we're led to their table and they looked at their menu. The waitress then came to take their order

Waitress: "I'll be your waitress today how may I take your order"

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