When the steam cools

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Y/n woke up a bit hungover feeling the silk sheets on top of him and the feathery pillow his head is on, he stood up as he saw the luxurious hotel room that he was in. The one key thing he noticed was the Snow Queen herself in the same bed with him, he sighed to himself as he tried to get off the bed but then Winter grabbed him and pulled him back to bed cuddling against him.

Winter: "Don't leave me, please"

Y/n: "I wasn't going to leave Winter"

Winter pulled him into a tender kiss, Y/n didn't hesitate to melt into it. Winter then got on top of him rubbing and caressing his chest, they broke the kiss and Winter looked at him as she blushed a bit.

Winter: "Did we-"

Y/n nodded as he groaned

Y/n: "Weiss is going to kill me..."


WBY: "You what?!"

The four blushed as Y/n was in their dorm

Y/n: "W-Well you see, I-I-"

He then was slapped in the face by Weiss

Weiss: "No fair! I was supposed to be first! I was supposed to be your first! You're a dummy Y/n! You Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka! Baka!..."

Weiss just kept going on with her squalor, Blake blushed as she covered her face to hide it, Yang was being Yang and Ruby just looked confused.

Y/n: "Weiss please! Show mercy!"

Weiss held him as she shook him senseless, then the door opened to reveal Winter. Everyone looked and Weiss got off of and looked away from her sister pouting in jealousy

Winter: "Hello to you too sister..."

She walked up to Y/n and hugged his arm right between her cleavage, Y/n blushed as Weiss became cutely infuriated

Weiss: "How dare you Winter! Using your body to seduce my dear Y/n!"

Y/n sighed as he gently got his arm off of Winter and hugged Weiss, Weiss returned it blushing in his chest.

Y/n: "I still love you and the others just as much Weiss, don't think I'm singling any of you out..."

Winter smiled a sweet smile, then Yang and Blake went up to her.

Yang: "How was he?"

Winter smirked as she made a eight inch gap with her hands winking

Winter: "He'll do any of your requests in bed and then he'll do you~"

Both blushed as the two bit their bottom lip and became a bit wet when they thought about it.

Ruby: "Guys, what are you talking about now?"

Yang: "You'll find out in two year prior Ruby"

Ruby whined

Ruby: "Noooooo! Tell me nooooowwww!"

Y/n smirked as a glint formed in his eye

Y/n: "My my Ruby this is quite childish of you, maybe I should discipline you by giving you a spanking~"

Ruby blushed as she imagined Y/n smacking her sensitive buttocks, she never admits it but she has fantasized about Y/n and her having sexual affairs together. She blushed as she rubbed her legs together much to the others surprise.

Winter: "I think we should leave the two"

WBY: "Agreed"

They left the room leaving a blushing Ruby and a smirking Y/n

Y/n: "Ruby you naughty girl"

Ruby: "H-How did you-"

Y/n: "You're body language and how red you are-"

Ruby: "S-Shut up! I get it!"

Y/n went up to her as he looked into her silver eyes, he smirked as he discovered that the most innocent Rose in team RWBY was just as naughty as her sister and he knew from experience; the naughty will become nice. He lifted Ruby's chin to see her with a very lustful yet submissive look

Y/n: "I think I should punish you Ruby, what do you think? Do you want to be punished?~"

She turned to lift her combat skirt to reveal that she wore no panties under her stockings, the fabric uncomfortably rubbed against Ruby's already soaking pussy. He shook her ass a bit as she cooed to Y/n

Ruby: "P-Please..."

Y/n: "Please what my rose?~"

Ruby: "Please punish this dirty slut..."

He walked up to her and rubbed her rear gently, Ruby let out a quiet moan and whines. Y/n then smacked her ass hard making her yelp

Ruby: "Eep!"

Y/n: "As you wish my Rose~"

(Just to be clear now I'm going to be doing a lemon spree, so it's going to be a lemon then a regular chapter and it will continue until I covered the current harem right now. Expect me to post plenty of lemon for the next few chapters, that's all for now folks, Peace Out ✌🏻)

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