Chance to stretch our legs

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Y/n woke up quite peacefully, no hangovers, no loud noises and no sun bitch slapping him in the face. He felt vibrations on his chest, he looked to see his kitty cat purring in his chest. He pet her head.

Y/n: "Come on kitty, time to start the day"

Blake then woke up, she rubbed her eyes and looked at Y/n with a smile.

Blake: "Good morning Y/n"

Y/n: "Morning Blake"

The two share a quick kiss.

Blake: "How'd you sleep?"

Y/n: "Good, how was last night?"

Blake blushed her cat ears flattening in embarrassment.

Blake: "Much more than I expected"

Y/n: "Did I go to far? If so then I-"

Blake: "N-No nothing like that! I-It was just something I wasn't expecting that's all"

Y/n: "Did you like it?"

Blake didn't even hesitate to answer as she purred lustfully.

Blake: "I loved every moment of it...Daddy~"

Y/n: "Blake you naughty kitty"

Blake: "Your fault, your dominant charms made me this way"

Y/n dove at her for a kiss and flipped her over pinning her down, the two made out their passion still as fiery as before. The two then broke the kiss.

Y/n: "Wanna get ready to go?"

Blake: "Yes"

The two got up, Y/n popped a few bones in his shoulder and back and even got into a full split while Blake stretched out her back like an actual cat. As they got up Blake looked behind her and noticed something in particular.

Blake: "I still have the plug on"

Y/n: "Want to take it off?"

Blake then teasingly shook her rear letting the cat tail shake across her ass.

Blake: "Aw but I thought you liked it when I had it on~"

Y/n: "....Ah fuck it"

Y/n carried Blake to the bed and laid her on her stomach. He then took off the buttplug causing her to mewl in pleasure.

Y/n: "If you want it so bad then here it is kitty"

-🍋lemon in bound🍋-

Blake then felt eight full inches going into her ass, she moaned out as she felt her rear getting fucked without mercy. She felt her arms being pulled towards Y/n causing Y/n to ram into her deeper.

Blake: Y/n!- Ah!~ if you keep on doing that I'm going to go insane!"

Y/n then went to her ear and whispered.

Y/n: "Is that so kitty?~"

Y/n then rammed into her harder.

Blake: "No please Y/n! I'll...I'll"

Y/n then slammed down into Blake's ass causing her to beg for mercy.

Blake: "Don't do it! I'm gonna!-"

He then fully slammed into her ass with full force.

Blake: "Nyyyaaaa!"

Y/n was surprised by Blake's reaction, to think that Blake's cat instincts would be taken to this level. He smirked lustfully as he pounded her ass.

Y/n: "Do you like that Blake"

Blake: "Yes Daddy! Cum in my ass nyow!"

Y/n: "Now Kitty you're going to have to ask nicely~"

Blake: "Please release it into my ass!"

Y/n: "Good girl"

He then spewed into Blake's ass causing her to shoot her head up and moan out, Blake shook in pure pleasure as the hot spunk flowed in her ass.

Blake: "I feel daddy's baby milk in my ass~ nya~"

Y/n: "You've been a good girl kitty"

Blake purred into Y/n's chest letting herself calm from the high.

Blake: "Let's take a shower"

Y/n: "Right"

The two went into the shower turning on the water, Y/n applied some soap on his hands and washed Blake's back as Blake washed her hair. Blake purred as Y/n rubbed his hands against her back.

Blake: "I've learned something very important about you today"

Y/n: "And what's that?"

Blake: "You're really good with your hands"

Y/n: "Well...being a pocket and lock picker really needs good hands, I also went undercover as a card dealer a lot"

When they finished washing up the two stayed silent as they changed, then Blake asked a question that concerned him very much

Blake: "When you found out I was apart of the white fang why did you trust me right off the bat?"

Y/n looked over concerned.

Y/n: "What makes you say that?"

Blake: "I just..."

Y/n: "Blake, you can tell me"

Blake: "...I just don't think that I deserve you"

Y/n looked at her.

Y/n: "Blake, what are you talking about?"

Blake: "I just feel insecure about myself, how I used to be in the White Fang, how I used to hurt and steal from so many innocent people. I just don't understand how I-"

Y/n put his hand on Blake's causing her to look at him.

Y/n: "What you were in the past shouldn't define what you are today, I love you for who you are today and I'll never hold anything against you"

Blake hugged Y/n burying her face into his shoulder, Y/n embraced her as he pat her back to comfort her.

Blake: "I love you"

Y/n: "I love you too"

The two stayed there for a long moment before breaking the hug and leaving the hotel for the bullhead, Blake laid her head against Y/n's shoulder purring. Y/n wrapped his arm around her, the two enjoyed the silence as they heard the soft humming of the bullhead. He enjoyed the life he has now, he was in a great school and he has many lovers to care for. He didn't want this to end and he'll make sure it doesn't end any time soon.

Y/n thoughts: "I'll protect you all, no matter what I have to do..."

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