The initiation

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Y/n got up after hearing a girl with orange hair singing at a guy with black hair with a purple streak, he yawned as he left to the bathroom to wash up. He took out a toothbrush and started to brush his teeth and looked into the mirror looking at his reflection, he looked at the scar he has gotten recently after a fight with his mentor or his former mentor. He spat into the sink and cleaned himself and the toothbrush and left to the locker room to get his things for initiation, he put on his assassin uniform as he pulled his hood up hiding his face. As he was getting his weapons he heard a loud "clang" as he saw Jaune getting his hoodie stuck onto the locker by a spear, he walked up to Jaune and he kneeled down towards him

Y/n: *sigh* what happened?

Jaune: my dad said girls like confidence! What went wrong?!


Everyone stood at the cliff as they were listening to the instructions Ozpin was giving

Ozpin: everyone has to get a relic in the ruin...

Y/n listened closely and then saw a student get launched into the air, he then looks forward and as the student next to him launched off he spread his arms out as the was launched into the air as he looked for a soft landing. He then landed into a pile of leaves and got out of it without a scratch

Y/n: now time to look for the ruins

He used eagle vision to see the location and also saw two blue figures surrounded by some red figures, he went into a sprint and climbed a tree freerunning on the branches. He then saw Weiss and Ruby yelling at each other as they fought the Grimm, Y/n rolled his eyes

Y/n: oh mon dèu(my god)

He jumped down as he stabbed a Grimm with his hidden blade as he took out his pistol and shot down the last Grimm

Weiss: You! I want you on my team!

Y/n ignored her as he put his pistol in his holster as turned to leave but Weiss ran up to him

Weiss: Hey! Answer when you're spoken-

Then smoke engulfed the area and Y/n snickered as he ran off to the ruins leaving behind a pissed off Weiss

Y/n: team my ass

He then reach the ruins and randomly picked up a chess piece, he then heard rustling in the bushes so he took out his sword getting in a stance until he saw two figures coming out. It was Yang and the girl with the bow in her head

Y/n: *sheathes his sword* Bonjour...

Yang: heya Y/n

Blake: hello

They had an awkward silence until they heard screaming from the sky, they looked up and saw that it was coming from a nevermore and saw ruby and Weiss hanging on the nevermore

Y/n:*groans* idiots

He then sees Ruby falling from the nevermore, Y/n ran and caught Ruby and Jaune caught Weiss but ended up ruining his back

Weiss:(sarcastically) "my hero"

Jaune:(weakly) "my back"

Y/n placed Ruby down

Y/n: "Are you alright?..."

Ruby:*flustered* "y-yes!"

He then placed Ruby down, then Nora came riding a Grimm and broke it's neck

Nora: "Awww it's broken..."

Ren: "never do that again"

Y/n just looked dumbfounded

Y/n: What the flying fuck was that?

He then saw a deathstalker chasing a redhead and a blonde was hanging on it's stinger by the hood

Blake: did they just run all the way here with a deathstalker on their back?

Yang then literally exploded


Y/n: "Sacrebleu!"

They all gather and Pyrrha was knocked down

Yang: great the gang's all here, now we can die together!

Y/n pinched the bridge of his nose

Y/n: Mon deú Yang no one is going to die

Ruby: not if I can help it!

Yang/Y/n: "Ruby!"

Ruby rushed at the deathstalker and got her cape stuck onto a nevermore feather and the deathstalker was ready to sting her, Y/n ran and tried to kill the deathstalker but then Weiss passed him and and froze the front part of the deathstalker, Ruby then looked at the deathstalker then to Y/n and Weiss

Ruby: Weiss? Y-Y/n?

Y/n: bon sang, Ruby n'essaye pas de te faire tuer! (Damnit Ruby don't get yourself killed!)

Ruby: w-what?

Y/n: *sigh* don't get yourself killed

-big ass timeskip- (sorry for the timeskip)

All the students were in the main room getting into teams

Ozpin: Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. Each of you picked the rook piece, you are now team JNPR led by Jaune Arc

Y/n watched a dumbfounded Jaune and chuckled to himself, he waited to be called up. After Team Rwby Y/n was called up to the stage

Ozpin: Y/n Dorian, you were not able to find a partner but with your exceptional skills and prowess you have a chance to be in this academy. I am now assigning you Ruby

Y/n: *shocked*Quoi?!(What?!)

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