Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent

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Y/n was watching as Cardin was beating Jaune brutally in Professor Goodwitch's class, he was the bully of the school and he wouldn't wait a second to shove a blade into his neck. But he made a vow that his ancestors before him made: stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent, his thoughts were interrupted by Cardin's monologue

Cardin: "this is the part where you lose"

Jaune: "over my dead-"

Before he can say anything he was kneed in the gut and Cardin was going to strike him with his mace but then Professor Goodwitch stopped him

Goodwitch: "Cardin that's enough!"

Cardin stopped assaulting Jaune and put his mace on his shoulder

Goodwitch: "students as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has reached red, in a tournament style duel this would indicate that Mr. Arc is disqualified..."

Y/n listened but also glared at Cardin, he was pissed at him and was willing to kick his ass anytime of the day, then the bell rang and the students left the cafeteria. Later team RWBY and JNPR was eating lunch as Nora talked about the dream she had, Y/n didn't pay much attention to that topic however did listen when Pyrrha brought the topic of Cardin bullying Jaune

Jaune: "what? No! Cardin is just playing around"

Y/n scoffed as he was fixing his phantom blade

Y/n: "jouer? cet enfoiré vous intimide et d'autres faunus et devrait juste être tué par un Grimm"(playing around? that fucker has been bullying you and other faunus and should just be killed by a Grimm)

Everyone gave Y/n curious looks

Y/n: "*sigh* basically what I was saying is that Cardin is a bully and he shouldn't be in this-"

He then saw Cardin picking on Velvet by pulling on her ears, Y/n was now sick of this bullshit. He flicked out the blade of his phantom blade, flicked it back in and went towards

Y/n: "hey you ginger retard!"

Cardin: "what did you just call me Frenchie?!"

Y/n: "you heard me goddamnit! Stop bullying her!"

Cardin let go of Velvet's ears and grabbed him by his collar

Cardin: "why don't you make me?"

Y/n: "with pleasure"

He then unsheathed his hidden blade and stabbed Cardin's wrist as he screamed in pain, Y/n then kneed him in the chest and started to beat the ever loving shit out of him, this shocked team RWBY and JNPR since he never was this, he was typically calm and monotone. After he finished he lifted Cardin by his collar and unsheathed his hidden blade and touched his throat

Y/n: "now listen here you fucking bastard, I'm sick and tired of you keep on bullying everyone in this academy. You keep this up and I am not afraid of putting you or your team in the grave six feet fucking under, You hear me?!"

Cardin weakly nodded

Y/n: "good"

He then kneed Cardin in the face and a sickening crack was heard across the room

Y/n: "take this morceau de merde(piece of shit) to the infirmary, his wounds won't kill him but it didn't tickle either"

They frantically nodded as they took Cardin away and went to the infirmary, Y/n left the cafeteria to his room to clean the blood off his clothing

Blake POV

I can't believe it, Y/n beat Cardin with no remorse and protected Velvet even if she is a Faunus. I was going to go up to him tell him something but then he left the cafeteria without a word, I followed him and he went to our dorm. I went inside to find him washing the blood off his uniform

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