An Assassin revealed

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Blake then ran out of the dorm

Ruby: "Blake wait!"

Y/n looked at Weiss in fury

Y/n: "she's your teammate Weiss!"

Weiss: "she's a no good faunus like how you are a no good coward hiding in the shadows to kill innocent people"

Y/n: "you're no better YOU BITCH!"

Weiss flinched, she saw as the once calm and caring friend turn into a angry Frenchman

Y/n: "I watched as I saw your father beat my mother to death when she didn't want to give up her land that we lived on, I've watched my adoptive faunus parents get shot to death by your father and his men. I've felt remorse for those I've killed and still regret it to this day, but your templar father never showed that kind of sympathy. I thought you can change Weiss, but I guess I was wrong"

he then jumped out of the window and looked for Blake, he then saw Blake standing in front of the statue and watched as she took off her bow revealing cat ears. he then free ran down to get to her

Blake POV

I cried to a little as I took off my bow, I didn't think that those words would come out of my mouth and now I've lost trust with my friends. Then I heard someone call me


Y/n: "Blake"

I jump down and meet with Blake as I saw her eyes, they were filled with tears and I could tell she was scared that she discovered that I am an assassin. She backed up as I walked towards her

Third Person POV

Blake: "Y-Y/n please don't hurt me"

he then stopped

Y/n: "Now why in Oum's name would I hurt you?"

she looked up

Y/n: "you are no longer apart of the white fang correct?"


Y/n: "then you have nothing to worry about, and before you run yes I still am an assassin but I was taught different morals like not to kill innocent people. I care for you Blake I won't dream of hurting you"

Blake just cried more as Y/n hugged her

Blake: "Y-You don't k-know *sniff* how much I-I *sob* wanted to hear that"

Y/n: "shhhh let it out Blake"

Y/n then heard something, he then pulled out his pistol pointing at the sound's direction

???: "whoa whoa whoa! watch where you aim that!"

He saw that it was the same monkey faunus back at the docks

Y/n: "why are you here?"

???: "I just wanted to check on her"

He rolled his eyes still having the gun in his hand

Y/n: "yes stalking her in the bushes is a great way to check on her"

???: "hey I wasn't stalking her I was just finding the right moment to pop in"

Y/n sighed as he put his pistol back into his holster

Sun: "I'm Sun by the way"

Y/n: "Charmed"

Blake: "Y/n I want sometime away from my team..."

Y/n: "Oh ok, I'll just leave you to do your own thing-"

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