New Relationships

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Y/n woke up from his bed yawning as the sunlight decided to bitch slap his face, he then noticed that team RWBY was sleeping with him and he was basically trapped under them

Y/n: "Well I'll prefer this trap than any other..."

He slowly tried to get out of their grip only to be held down by all four team members

Ruby: "Nuuuuuuu cuddles..."

Weiss: "I demand you to stay in bed this instant..."

Blake just purred against his chest and Yang rubbed his arm, he sighed as he was stuck for a while

Y/n: "Bloody hell what have I gotten myself into..."

Blake then started to wake up, she looked and Y/n and smiled. He tapped her nose

Y/n: "Hey kitty"

Blake: "Good morning handsome"

Y/n kissed her forehead

Y/n: "Don't we have classes?"

Weiss: "It's the weekend you adorable dunce..."

He saw that Weiss was awake as she rubbed her eyes

Weiss: "...we don't have any classes"

Y/n: "Hello to you too Snow Queen..."

Weiss pouted and looked away, he chuckled as he just simply kissed her cheek

Weiss: "H-Hey! I-I never gave you permission to kiss me!...Y-You Baka!"

Y/n: "I don't need permission"

Ruby woke up from the small argument

Ruby: "I'm so tired..."

Y/n: "Well you shouldn't have played video games in the middle of the night, good Monty Ruby you were raging so hard..."

Ruby just like Weiss pouted adorably

Y/n: "Well I want to at least do something productive so I'm getting up..."

Y/n got up but Yang was clinging onto him

Yang: "Go back to bed!..."

Y/n: "Yang please..."

Yang: "Don't Yang me! Go back to bed!"

Y/n sighed and he heard the door knock, he opened it to reveal Pyrrha and Nora

Y/n: "Bonjour you two"

Pyrrha and Nora were blushing

Pyrrha: "Do you need some time?..."

Y/n: "What do you-"

He then looked down to see that he didn't have a shirt on

Y/n: "Oh not at all I just woke up"

Yang: "And you are going back to bed!"

Y/n: "Yang if I let you shower with me will you let me go?"

Yang: "Mayyybeeeee...."

Y/n: "Bloody hell Yang...."

Pyrrha and Nora giggled at his remark

Nora: "Well we are going to Vale later today and was wondering if you guys want to come?..."

Y/n: "Sure, like there's anything to do in this school anyways..."

He then started to pry Yang off of his body and once he did Yang did one last adorable pout as she looked away

Yang: "Meanie"

He chuckled as he kissed her forehead

Y/n: "You know that I love you..."

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