The Dragon's Night Out

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Y/n was in the ring with shin guards, gloves and headgear on. He bobbed and weaved from Yang's punches and oblique kicked her hip knocking her back.

Y/n: "Come on fireball, you can do better than that!"

Yang: "Alright you asked for it!"

Yang then went for a one two which Y/n backed up from but connected him with a kick to the side knocking him onto the ropes giving Yang the window of opportunity to knock him into the corner. Yang then sent a barrage of light punches towards Y/n.

Y/n: "Okay okay! Uncle! Uncle!"

Yang stopped smirking at him.

Yang: "Ha! That's what you get for-"

Y/n then went for a surprise kiss shocking Yang giving him a chance to take her to the ground holding her arms down above her head and knees under her knees.

Y/n: "How was that Goldilocks?"

Yang was flustered for because of three reasons:

1. She was pinned

2. She lost knowing the position she is in

3. The position itself

Yang: "Y-Y-You cheated!"

Y/n: "I'm an assassin, I use whatever I have in my arsenal to beat my opponent..."

Y/n then went near her ear.

Y/n: "...and you're no different"

Y/n teasingly breathed on Yang neck causing her to moan.

Nora: "Just fuck already!"

Y/n and Yang looked to see a sexually irritated Nora and a flustered Pyrrha, Y/n got off of Yang and gave her a hand which she took.

Y/n: "I gotta admit though your kickboxing is getting more deceptive, I like that"

Yang: "Thanks, someday I'm going to beat you even with that bullshit you pulled"

Y/n laughed causing Yang to pout and lightly punch his arm.

Yang: "I'm being serious!"

Y/n: "Hehehe *catches breath* sorry sorry"

Yang: "Also don't forget, tonight is our date"

Y/n: "I'm not forgetting that"

Pyrrha: "When are we going to get our date Y/n?"

Nora: "Yeah!"

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: "You'll have your chances ladies, but..."

He then wrapped his arm around Yang.

Y/n: "I'm taking her out tonight"


Y/n put on a pair of athletic jeans, a pair of boots, black shirt and a navy blue jacket. His final touch was a sharp dresser underneath his sleeve and a cloak watch, he sheathed and unsheathed the blade testing it.

 His final touch was a sharp dresser underneath his sleeve and a cloak watch, he sheathed and unsheathed the blade testing it

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