Getting used to the team

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Y/n looked at Ozpin, both pissed and shocked by the fact that he had to be in a team

Y/n: "c'est quoi ce bordel?!"(What the fuck?!)

Ozpin just chuckled as he left

Y/n: "Oz I'm not a goddamn babysitter!"

Weiss then stepped in

Weiss: "What was that supposed to mean?!"

Y/n: "it means that I shouldn't have been with some unexperienced students"

He tried to leave until Yang grabbed his arm

Yang: "how dare you! We are a team!"

Y/n chuckled bitterly as he ripped his arm out of her grip

Y/n: "we are no team"

Ruby: "Why?! Is it because we are girls?!"

Y/n just glared at her

Y/n: "you don't know what a team is until you lose one"

He then left and went to the roof of Beacon and sat down and took out his pocket watch, he did know what it was like to lose a team or a partner, especially the fact that he had to kill his own mentor for the sake of the brotherhood. He opened the watch and took off his hood

-Blake POV-

Blake decided to follow Y/n, she watched as he left to the roof. She saw him taking out a pocket watch and taking off his hood, she walked up to him

Blake: "why don't you trust us?"

Y/n just sighed as he looked at her

Y/n: "it's not because I don't trust you's just that I...."

Blake: "just what?"

Y/n looked down as he looked back

Y/n: "you really want to know?"

Blake nodded

Y/n: "fine"


Y/n stood in front of his mentor with his sword drawn, the mentor f/n looked at him as he also drew his sword. F/n was responsible for killing those who were "poisoning" the brotherhood

Y/n: "why did you kill our brothers and sisters?!"

F/n: "those 'brothers and sisters' were the reason why the brotherhood is failing!"

Y/n grit his teeth

Y/n: "you are deluded"

F/n: "no....enlightened"

F/n then charged at at Y/n as the clashes their swords together, F/n tried to knock him down but  Y/n rolled out of the way. Y/n used his phantom blade to shoot his wrist holding the sword which he was successful at, F/n held the sword with his left hand as he kept on trading blows with Y/n. Then Y/n slid behind him, nicked his leg and stabbed his shoulder, f/n kneeled down as he looked at Y/n

F/n: "Je sais que tu n'es pas douce, tu vas me tuer maintenant pour améliorer la fraternité" (I know you're not soft, you'll kill me now for the betterment of the brotherhood)

Y/n looked at him with sympathy

Y/n: "je connais"(I know)

He then unsheathes his hidden blade and stabbed his chest


Y/n looked down

Y/n: "after that day paranoia got to me, that I assume that something like this would happen..."

Blake looked at him with sympathy, she knew what it was like for a close person that they had to turn against to do good. Blake then hugged him surprising Y/n

Blake: "Y/n I...I'm sorry that this happened to you...."

Y/n: "it's alright..."

Blake: "you can trust me and team RWBY, I promise"

Y/n looked at her with a smile

Y/n: "merci"

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