Thank you

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So right now I'm apparently going though a paranoia phase or when I think my writing is shit. I am honestly having self doubts about my writing skills after this book comparing this one to the other ones, but there's something that always helps me: my viewers comments. From the questions to the funny TF2 references every one of those 489 comments make me feel like if my writing is at most decent, so I want to write this sappy ass writing to you all. I remember the first time when I written the bio of this book in 2019 and I was nervous as hell about how my book will turn out, then I would see all your comments and said to myself "Well at least my book isn't failing". A few chapters later I gotten many different TF2 jokes and I was busting my gut laughing like a lunatic genuinely making me happy and even influenced me to change up my character a bit and made me download TF2 (I knew the references but I didn't have the game). Never in my life have I expected you guys to actually like this book and it makes my day thinking about it, every time I feel like shit I would read your comments to help me boost my mood and it works every time. I'll make the message clear: Thank you, thank you for sticking with me, thank you for influencing me for the better and thank you for enjoying this book and the others. I'll do my best on every book and if you need to please comment or chat to me what I can do to make these books most enjoyable for all of you guys, again thank you everyone for reading my books and sticking with me along the way. Peace Out✌🏻

(Also if you want my steam name chat to me privately)

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