An apology

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Hello readers

I hope you enjoyed the two new chapters of Unite, I looked at your guy's comments and I feel happy about myself for entertaining you guys with my stories, but I also want to apologize. Lately I don't think I have been writing stories to the standards I wish they were and rushing some of the stories, I've also haven't shown this chapter much attention which I am truly sorry about. So I want to ask you readers this: are my chapters up to your standards? I know I have some mistranslations and such and I'm going to fix that, however as a book is there anything you want me to write? Please tell me in the comments. Again I want to say two simple words: I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I haven't posted much, I'm sorry if I haven't written in you beautiful readers standards and I'm sorry if my chapters right now are disappointing. That's all readers, take care.

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