The Chief

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Kylie's POV

My name is Kylie Stewart, I'm a 31 year old Director and Producer. I own Stewart School of Arts, a place where we look for aspiring actors and actresses to train to build a career in movies and films that are in need of new faces.

This past week has been a hell of a wreck. Deadlines for script revisions and callbacks are near and I haven't even reviewed the results of the auditions. I'll have to work things out and finalize casting.

I was having dinner late on a Wednesday night, while reviewing the names on the callbacks when my phone rang showing my secretary's name, I answered, "Hello?"

"Good evening, Chief. I'm really sorry to interrupt your rest, but I have worked up your final callback schedules for the weekend. You'll have a 10:30 and a 15:00 on Friday, a 13:00 and a 16:00 on Saturday, and a 19:00 on Sunday. Tell me if you like to make changes." She said in a single breath.

"Okay. Can you relax for a bit, Stace? How could I every do this without you?" I told her.

"You can't, Boss. That's why I'm here. I still need an answer though. Does the schedule work for you?" She said.

"It always works for me, when you arrange things. So, yeah. It'll do." I approved.

"Okay. Thanks, Chief. I just want to also remind you about your meeting with Mr. Fajardo tomorrow, so I'll be there at 10. Have a good rest." She replied.

"Okay. See you. Thanks again. Bye." I hung up.

I finished eating dinner. I took a shower and dressed for bed, read a few more details about the callbacks and fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm, while I struggled to leave my bed a text message beeped my phone, I opened it.

It was from Stace.

^Goodmorning, Chief. Should I bring you breakfast? Or do you want to have brunch after your meeting?

^= Goodmorning, Stace. We'll just have brunch after the meeting, but could you buy coffee for me?

^That goes without asking. See you in a few.

I dragged myself to the bathroom to prepare myself for the day. As I hopped out of the shower, my doorbell rang and I wondered who it could've been. I was still in my bathrobe when I checked the camera of my gate, I buzzed the person in and she smiled and waved to the camera before she drove to my driveway.

It was my sister. I forgot that she was visiting today. Today of all the days. I opened the door to welcome her. She hugged me and said, "I missed you so much, Sis. I havent seen you in ages."

"You should've called before you came." I protested.

"I knew that you forgot, that's why I didn't." She teased. I rolled my eyes on her in response as she entered my home and closed the door behind her.

"You're looking mighty fine, Sis. I have always thought if this were all plastic." She said as she poked my chest. I forgot I was still wearing my bathrobe. "Nope. Still all natural. Help yourself for something to eat in the kitchen if you find any, I have work today so I won't be able to catch up with you until tonight." I explained and left her downstairs so I could prepare for my meeting.

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