Captain's Orders

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Valerie's POV

"So where are we going?" I asked Stacy. "I'll drive." She said and offered a hand to get the keys to my car. I tossed it to her and she caught it. "Nice." I said to which she smiled and nodded. As we hopped into the car, I felt like she didn't want me to ask anything else about what Kyle's plans were. We drove thru a coffee shop and she ordered 2 drinks one that was iced and had a lot of espresso shots in it and a hot beverage. She asked me what I wanted, I just said an iced caramel macchiato. She drank the hot beverage whilst driving.

A few minutes later, we were driving into the pier side of the city. I was so confused as to what we were doing here, perhaps another pit stop? I finished my drink as she pulled over to the nearest parking lot at the docks. She came out of the car but, before she closed her door she said, "Wait here." I just nodded. And she walked towards the docks. I thought if I should text Kyle to ask if what was going on. I looked at my phone and it was already half past 2 in the afternoon. I stayed up so late last night thinking about the merge and the upcoming changes. I was so lost in my thoughts when the driver's side door opened.

"Valerie, you gotta learn to lock your doors!" Gabby said. "Oh. Right. I'm sorry." I said shocked and pressed the lock button on my door. "Seriously? This door is still open." She said pointing at her door. "Damn it, Gabby. What's Kyle up to this time?" I questioned her and unlocked my door. She closed the driver's door and walked around to my door and opened it for me. "Come and see for yourself." I took my keys and came out of the car. She closed the door behind me and I locked it. "Keys?" She said asking me to give her my car keys. I just handed it to her. Gabby led me to the docks and there she was. She saw me and she waved at me.

She was wearing her signature style as per usual

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She was wearing her signature style as per usual. A suit coat on top of nothing. I wish I would've known what she had planned for the night so that I could've properly prepared myself and not look like I just woke up from an all-nighter. She walked around the deck to where the entry was and stayed there smiling and waiting for me to come to her.

Kylie's POV

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Kylie's POV

I know that I look stupid smiling at her as she walked towards the docks. I just can't stop smiling, thinking of how lucky I am to have this woman in my life. I have never done a lot of effort in a span of just a couple of days. I still can't believe that this all started from me following a damsel in distress around the mall. She finally reached the edge of the dock and was about to get on board. "Heyy, Val." I said. "Hi, Kyle." She smiled at me. She was wearing a zip up sweater that had the same logo from the sweatshirt that she wore the first time we met.

I offered my hand to get her on the boat

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I offered my hand to get her on the boat. She held my hand for support but almost slipped trying to balance herself. I quickly pulled her towards me wrapping my arm behind her. Our faces were inches apart then I realized that we looked like we were dancing. "Omg. Get a room already." Gabby said interruping Val and I. I kissed Val's cheek and we pulled apart. Gabby was waiting on the dock when Stace came out of the quarterdeck. "So, Chief the yacht will be near the spot. Gabby, the others, and I will meet you both there." I just nodded and smiled in approval. Gabby helped Stace get off the boat.

Gabriella's POV

"Alright, lovebirds we'll meet you there!" I told them as I helped Stace hold the stuff that she got from the boat. "You both know that this looks like kidnapping, right?" Stace was scolding Kylie and I. "Who doesn't want to be kidnapped by me?" Kylie said and smirked. "How many people have you brought to this boat, Kyle? And what yacht are you talking about? Isn't this a yacht already?" Val asked demanding an answer. "You're so screwed, Sis." I teased Kylie.

"I'll tell you everything later. We gotta go." Kylie told Valerie and led her to the quarterdeck. Valerie went in first. Kylie waved at us. Stace and I left right after.

 Stace and I left right after

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