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Kylie's POV

I gave the key to the valet and we entered the restaurant. "Hello, Kyle! I haven't seen you since the last time I saw you!" Dionella Mavys welcomed me into an embrace. She is one of my great friends back in highschool. I am so proud of her achievements. She finally got settled down and now manages a restaurant of her own.

"Hey, Dione." I said, almost whispering since her voice was so loud I didn't want to cause a scene. She adjusted to my voice. I smiled as she got me right away. "So, this is Valerie." I gently pulled Val beside me. "It's a pleasure to see Kyle, finally with someone that makes her smile like an idiot again." This mf doesn't know when to shut up. Dione shook hands with Val. To which the latter replied, "Nice to meet you." Then, Dione ushered us to a private booth away from people.

Valerie's POV

What did Dione say about me making Kyle smile like an idiot again? I am so confused as to what's happening these past 2 days. One day my entry was rejected, I broke my camera and got into agreement to have dinner the next day with the one who caused me to break my camera? Things are happening so fast but I don't know why I feel safe and comfortable enough to be around her.

She helped me to my seat and then she sat on the one across mine. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me calling you Val." She said out of nowhere. "I honestly like it when you call me that way. You're the only one who calls me Val." I shyly assured her whilst trying to hide a smile on my face. "Then, I'm honored." She smiled back at me.

"What may I interest you both into getting tonight?" Dione popped out of nowhere asking for our orders. "May I order for you?" Kyle asked me. I nodded in approval. She ordered for us and thanked Dione. "I'll be back in a bit with your food." Dione left heading towards the kitchen.

Kylie's POV

As we waited for our food, "Will I ever see you again after this, Val?" I asked her shyly. "I thought this was just a one time thing, you know for the camera?" She replied in question and her words sent excruciating pain to my chest. Have I grown fond of this woman even if we only met yesterday? It now breaks my heart when I think of her not being near me? Of course she would think that this is just a one time thing.

Then, it dawned on me. Did she have a significant other? A boyfriend? Perhaps married? No, she addresses herself as Ms. Hofstetter so she shouldn't be married. Right? "My friends?" Dione broke the silence and placed our meals in front of us. "Enjoy." And then she left. I tried my best to contain my thoughts and finish up sooner since I didn't want any of this anymore if this would truly just be a one time thing. I want her and I to be a thing. Not just a one time thing. But the real thing. You know what I mean? Frick. I guess I have completely grown fond of her.

Valerie's POV

Now, I get the silent treatment? I got the camera already. Why does she still want to see me after this? Although in all honest, who am I kidding? I wouldn't mind seeing her again and again. I really do want to see her more. I should've just said yes to her question, now this silence is just agonizing. We continued to eat in silence, but just right when we're almost finished, she finally started to talk.

"Val, I want to see you more. I know that it sounds crazy but I do. I really do want to see you more. I can't describe the comfort and ease that I feel when I'm around you. And it's-it's even crazier that I feel excruciating pain in my chest when I start thinking that I wouldn't see you again." She trailed off, anticipating my reactions. I was dumbfounded about this sudden confession. Is this really happening to me?

"Why aren't you answering me? I'm really sorry for being too pushy. I don't want to rush you into anything but can you at least answer this last question? Do you have someone special in your heart right now that makes you ignore me like this?" She looked so vulnerable, I haven't seen anything like it, but it made me feel the longing. Her eyes were darker in color now and was demanding an answer.

"I don't have anybody else, apart from my furbaby." I answered her with a reassuring tone. She eased up from her tensed posture. She sighed deeply. "Oh you're single after all." She's way more relaxed now. "Yeah. Tell me about it." I replied to her annoying reaction. "I have been single for so long I may have forgotten how to love." I told her. "Then, I'll show you how." She said and held my hand gently. I once again just shyly looked down to hide my flushed cheeks.

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