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Valerie's POV

It's half past 3 in the afternoon, what is this strange feeling that I have in me? Perhaps, nervousness? It wouldn't be a fancy dinner right? I really hope it's not 'cause I just dressed comfortably. Wait, I should be looking forward to my new camera not the dinner. As I was waiting in the editors' house for details as to where the dinner was so that I could leave right away, I received a text.

^Heyy. Good Afternoon, Val. I'll be there in a few. -Kyle

No one has ever called me Val before. It sent jolts to my stomach as I read the text again

^=What do you mean you'll be here in a few?
^I'm picking you up for our dinner.

Shit. Am I dressed okay? Should I change? Urgh. I'm thinking about the dinner again. Focus, Valerie. Focus on the prize. Camera first before anything else. I waited a few more minutes and I received another text.

^Be there in 5 mins. I'm just looking for somewhere to park. Come out.

I didn't reply anymore since she said that she was just looking for somewhere to park. I took my house key and phone with me and headed out of the house. I stood in front of our fence so that she could see me right away. And then I saw what seems to be a black Volkswagen Vortex parking near our neighbors'. She came out of the car and walked towards the back to get something from the trunk.

She looked cool and cute in her red sweatshirt which she wore with something grey under, she was also wearing sunglasses and a beige beanie, she wore skinny denim jeans, grey socks and a pair of black low cut shoes. She was also carrying a cup and the bag that she picked up from the trunk. I could instantly remember this beautiful stranger's scent even from a far.

 I could instantly remember this beautiful stranger's scent even from a far

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Kylie's POV

I just hope she didn't dress fancy 'cause I don't want to get much attention outside, specially with a rude damsel. I didn't get a reply for my last text. What's up with this girl and her not replying to any of my requests? I parked the car as near as I can to her address. I came out of the car and took the paper bag from the trunk.

I was walking towards the sidewalk, I looked up and I saw her. My rude but beautiful damsel in distress, she was standing in front of their fence, I think? She was wearing what seemed to be a black sweatshirt with something white printed on it, and then she paired it with black jeggings and black high cut shoes.

I saw a trash bin and threw my cup away and walked towards her. As I came near her, I was in awe. Her hair complimented her eyes. Everything about this woman in front of me is perfect. I have never felt this way seeing a stranger that I have met yesterday. I was right in front of her and I couldn't speak.

 I was right in front of her and I couldn't speak

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