The Secretary

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Stacy's POV

My name is Stacy Reed. I'm a 30 year old secretary for the CEO and Director of Stewart School of Arts. I have been working for Ms. Stewart for more than 5 years, even way before she started directing. I'd like to think that I am reliable enough to get things done. I'm happy to be Ms. Stewart's go to person. Since, I am her secretary afterall.

"Hey, can I get a Large Iced Coffee with an extra shot of base and 3 shots of espressos?" I told the lady speaking thru the box. "Was there anything else?" She asked. "Yeah. And a Large 3 Sugar 2 Cream. Thanks." I replied and drove to the window. I paid for the drinks and drove off to the Chief's.

I buzzed myself in since my fingerprint was saved on the pad of my boss' gate, as I drove in I noticed another car parked in front of my boss' house, I wonder whose it was. I parked beside the stranger's car and walked to my boss' door, but before I even finished keying in the code, the door swung open and I was dazed by the woman in front of me. She was a bit taller than me, her bright brown curly hair complimented her skin tone and matched her hazelnut eyes. I was so starstrucked and didn't realize that she was still holding the door open for me. "Hellooo? Earth to the lady staring at me." I didn't even realize that I was just standing there looking like an idiot. "So, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in?" I looked down shyly and entered the Chief's home.

"Stace! Is that you?" I heard the Chief calling me from upstairs.

"Yes, Ma'am! Where do you want your coffee?" I shouted back as I place the drinks on the countertop.

"Anywhere. I'll be right there in a sec." She replied.
I looked back at the countertop and found that the Chief's drink was gone. I looked on the other side of the counter if I knocked it over accidentally and when I looked back up, I saw the culprit.

"Heyy! That coffee is for the Chief!" I exclaimed. As I tried to take the drink from her. "Who are you, anyway?!" I asked, since I was so confused as to why I didn't know that the chief would have a visitor and especially not knowing who this gorgeous person in front of me was. As I continue to struggle to get the Chief's drink from her, I didn't even notice that the Chief was right behind me, she easily took the drink from the stranger and said, "Come on, Gabby. Don't mess with my secretary. Also, I told you to get something from the kitchen and not my drink." Wait, Gabby? Haven't I have heard that name before? I questioned myself. Shit I said to myself, after realizing.

"Stace, this is Gabby. My sister." The Chief introduced us. "Gabby, this is Stacy, my secretary." Shit, I'm so embarrassed that I didn't know how to respond. Gabby offered a handshake and I shook it, her hands were so soft. "I'm sorry about earlier, Ma'am." I apologized. "Please, just call me Gabby. I'm not your boss you know." She smiled. "Okay, Gabby." and I shyly smiled back at her.

The conversation was interrupted as the Chief put her empty cup down on the counter, I turned to her and didn't even realize what she was wearing. She wore a navy blue ankle pants and it's matching blazer without anything under. I spoke right away before she realize me staring, "Chief, I think this outfit won't be appropriate for the meeting with Mr. Fajardo." I said politely. "Stace, if that's how you say that I look sexy then, I'll take it." I looked down and to hide my warm redded cheeks. "Ready to go?" She asked.

I looked up and both of them were towering at me, "Always." I assured her. I looked back at the countertop to get my drink but it wasn't there, I looked back at them and saw Gabby drinking it. I just felt sad to not have coffee before we left. I gave her a stern glare and followed the Chief as she went to the garage, but before I got away from Gabby, she pulled my arm and we were only inches from each other, her soft hand touched my arm she whispered to my ear and said, "Let's have coffee sometime." As the warmth of her breath touched my ear it sent goosebumps on my back, I pulled away and tumbled around and caught up to the Chief who was already in her car in the garage.

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