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Kylie's POV

I was so aggravated with Gabby's impulsiveness. She should've asked for my permission before she brings a stranger to my home. I told Stacy to take care of everything so that I wouldn't have to speak with that rude woman again. I thought she was a damsel in distress but she's hella rude to be one. One thing's for sure she bumped into me, I even offered to help her get up but no, she just kept on throwing arrows at me when she was the one who broke her camera in the first place. I mean I was kind of a weirdo following her around before any of it happened. I even stopped looking around for her when I lost her but miraculously got into trouble after I gave up looking for her.

I was in the shower and continued to murmur shit about this stranger. Maybe when I'm finished cleansing myself from all the stress, I could finally get something to eat since I haven't ate anything all day. I shouldn't have followed her in the first place, so that I can save myself from all this regret.

Stacy's POV

I climbed the flight of stairs and found myself walking to the hallway where I saw 3 doors, the door to my left was the Chief's room, the door in front of me was a vanity room and the door to my right was the Chief's office to which I entered, but she wasn't there. So, I waited and sat on the chair stationed across her table. She must've been exhausted today since she hasn't ate anything and just roamed around the mall with an empty stomach.

After a few minutes of waiting, I thought maybe she fell asleep. So I stood up and walked to exit her office but to my surprise, the door of the room across opened. The Chief came out of her room wearing a robe, her head tilted to the side as she wiped her wet hair with a towel.

"Oh. Hey, Stace." She said casually. I looked down as she might notice me staring and said, "I'm sorry, Chief." "It's alright, Stace. What's up?" She asked. "Uhm, Chief? I suggest you dress yourself first before I tell you her terms." I said but kept looking down to hide my reddened face. "Alright." She said and she went to her vanity, a trail of lavender scent followed her thru the door.

Kylie's POV

I finished drying my hair and body and just wore a button down white shirt and a pair of plaided navy blue shorts to match. I am used to Stace being around so it doesn't bother me anymore if she saw me like how she saw me earlier, I couldn't say if it was the same for her.

I went to the office and sat across Stacy. "Chief, she just wants to have a working camera of the same type and brand as a replacement." She said as I sat. "If she wouldn't have been rude to me she might get a replacement after all." I told her. "So does that mean that you refuse to her terms?" She asked for confirmation. "Please send her up here." She nodded and left my office.

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