Ally or Foe

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Gabriella's POV

My phone woke me up in the middle of the night. I just answered without looking at the Caller ID.

Gabby: This better be good.
Caller: It will be depending on your answer.
Gabby: Who the hell is this?
Caller: Someone who has a lot against your sister.
Gabby: Aiko, I swear if this is you I will be so pissed.
Caller: Ah. Aiko Deville Francois? Please I wouldve called her myself if she wasnt detained.
Gabby: So who the fuck are you?
Caller: That depends on you. Ally or foe?
Gabby: What do you mean by ally or foe? Just tell me who you are.
Caller: Choose wisely. 5 seconds.
Gabby: I dont want to play this game with you.
Caller: 5
Gabby: Come on, man.
Caller: 4
Gabby: Oh we're still playing that game?
Caller: 3
Gabby: Please just tell me where this is going.
Caller: 2
Gabby: Bloody hell, Man.
Caller: 1
Gabby: Okay. Okay. Ally! Jeez.
Caller: Good choice.

And then they hung up. Wtf was that about?

When I was about to finally fall back asleep as it was apparently 4 AM, the intercom from the main gate buzzed. I answered.

Gabby: Hello?
Security: Good morning, Ms. Stewart. I hope I didnt wake you.
Gabby: All good.
Security: There's a parcel for you. I was told by the courier that you were awake. So I called.
Gabby: Did they say who it's from?
Security: No, Miss. We scanned it and it's cleared. Should I take it to you?
Gabby: No. I'll drop by. I'm already up anyway.
Security: Copy that, Miss.

I hung up and got out of bed. I came out of my room from the west wing of my sisters mansion.
Kylie: Goodmorning, Ella.

The mere way I was called sent goosebumps all over my body.
Gabby: I see that youre back Astra.
Astra: You wouldve expected this is coming up when Deville showed up on my yacht.
Gabby: Yes. I just didnt know that you came out early.
Astra: Well, I had help.
Gabby: What do you mean?

Astra's platinum gold orbs pierced into my hazel eyes.
Astra: Arent you going to get that parcel?
Gabby: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me.
Astra: With pleasure.
Gabby: Can I-
Astra: You may.

I havent even finished my sentence and she already knew that I was gonna ask permission to borrow her bike. I went to the garage and started the Ducati. I drove to the main gate.
Security: Hello, Miss. Here you go.
Gabby: Thanks.
Security: No problem.

I drove back to the mansion. Astra was nowhere to be found. I opened the parcel in the living room and it was a draft of a tabloid that's gonna be published tomorrow. It showed an object afloat the skies emitting green gas.
Gabby: Kyle!
Kyle: I know.
Gabby: Fucking hell, Sis! Stop doing that.
Kyle: Well, you dont have to shout I was just upstairs.
Gabby: Yeah, whatever. When did you start to have green smoke on your flight trails?
Kyle: That wasnt me.
Gabby: Then who?
Valerie: Hi, Gabby!
Gabby: I swear to-
Astra: Watch your words, Ella.

I rolled my eyes not continuing my sentence. I took a breath to calm my nerves down from all the jumpscares that I got from the moment I woke up.
Gabby: Hey, V. Didnt know you were here.
Valerie: Astrael wanted me to stay so yeah.

Kyle told Val about her true identity without a doubt in her mind. Val is definitely something.
Gabby: So, you were saying?
Astra: Ella, I met someone today. She is quite special.
Gabby: And who might this special someone be? No, offense-

I was about to say something to Valerie but when I looked at her, my eyes met emerald green orbs. I stepped back in shock.
Valerie: Hey, Gabby. It's still me. Although, in my truest form, Viper.

It all makes sense now, why my sister revealed her true self to V.  She was truly special.
Gabby: So, who what when where and how did this happen?
Valerie: What do you mean, Gabby?

Her eyes turned back to the hazelnut color that I only recognized til now.
Gabby: I guess how did you become Viper?
Valerie: I guess to make the story short. Like your sister, I was chosen.
Gabby: Chosen for?
Valerie: I was an experiment.
Gabby: What do you mean?
Kylie: Yeah. I want to know too.
Valerie: Only if you promise to tell me how you became Astrael.
Kylie: Baby that goes without saying. I will tell you everything, but per usual ladies first.
Valerie: Here goes then.

Valerie's POV

My hazelnut eyes was absorbed into emerald greens as I walked towards Kyle. She held my hand.
Viper: You guys might want to sit down for this.

They walked towards the living room and sat on the sofa while I started my story.

It all started when my father got diagnosed with cancer. I just turned 20 yrs old when that happened. I did everything to help him lessen the pain and find a way to possibly cure him. We did everything, until he went into cardiac arrest. It broke me. Then, I received a call from someone as my father got stablized. The caller said, "I have a way to cure your father but at a price."

Of course. I would do anything just to keep my father alive. I walked to his hospital bed and said, "Dad, youre gonna be okay. I promise." He was sleeping when I said those words and left. I told the nurse that I was just gonna get food. She nodded in agreement.

I left the hospital to go to the address that was sent by the caller. I know it sounds crazy but I would do anything for my father. I entered the pin to the metal door in front of me. It opened. Inside I only saw a glass case mounted on a pedestal. I came close to the box and saw a flashing green light coming from 1 vial. When I got closer to the box, it automatically opened. I took the vial and it shifted. A note was left there.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you,  Ms. Hofstetter. Let your father drink the contents of the vial and he shall be free from all the toxins."

I nodded. I went back to the hospital. Vial in pocket. As I entered my dad's hospital room, he was awake. I called out to him and had him drink the liquid from the vial. A few minutes later a beeping around me got louder and louder. Until, I realized that my father was on a wheelchair in front of me.

"Valerie, my sweet child. How I have missed you." I never knew that I would hear his voice again. "Hi, Dad. What happened?" His eyes glowed in a dark green color and went back to its original grey the moment that he saw me react to his eyes. "It worked?" He nodded.

We continued living a very simple life now that my father is cured, but a few days after my college graduation. I just turned 25 then too when I received the same phone call. "Congratulations, Ms. Hofstetter. We are happy to see you have had your time with your father. Who was cured by our serum. I hope you remember that the cure comes with a price."

I forgot about the payment, I was having a very bad panic attack in my college party. I walked to the balcony out the house that held the party. I looked up and I felt a sting on my neck and I for sure got knocked out.

I remember waking up to another stingy feeling but this time it was thru my arm. My veins has a bright emerald green color on it. "What did you do to me?!" "What have you done?!" It was an older woman that came out of the shadows. "Child, you dont have to worry. I am saving you."

"Well, then at least tell me the name of my savior?" "My name is Sabine Callas, you, Valerie Hofstetter, are my successor. And moving forward you shall be called Viper." I drifted but then woke in my own room.

Since then, I started as an agent under General Callas' orders. I saved countless of lives and then when the death of my father due to old age happened, my powers depleted. The vial that he received didnt give him immortality like how I became immortal. His life got extended for a good 6 yrs and I was happy about that.

I was summoned by the General now on her own deathbed. I could still remember her last words, "My Child, your strength and powers are still in you. Should you choose whether or not to keep them is all up to you. Viper is my gift to you, My Child. Your powers will be stronger when you find a partner that would accept you as you are."

I smiled to the memory and Kyle walked towards me. She pulled me into a firm enough hug, realizing that I was crying this whole time.

Gabby: Uhmm. Still here. So, now that we know how Viper came to life. Will you finally bless us with your story, Astrael, Victor of the Stars?
Kyle: Well, maybe it's time for you both to take a seat. It all started when-

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