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Kylie's POV

"Please order lunch for us. We'll have it here at the office. Have you prepared the camera replacement for Ms. Hofstetter?" I asked her. "Yes Chief, I have placed it in the paper bag on your desk." She pointed as to where the bag was placed. "You assure me that this is the same as what she had?" I asked. "Yes. And yes I have forwarded you her phone number and address." She elaborated.

"I believe you know that I need you to stay here to help, Direct Pao with the 15:00?" I asked her. "Yes, and as we speak Direct Pao mention that he will be here in 30 mins." She informed me about the early arrival of the newest member of our team. Our lunch arrived, we ate and finished before being informed by the receptionist that my sister just arrived the building.

Gabriella's POV

I went straight to the penthouse and was welcomed by a familiar face, "Hi, Stace! Is my sister here?" I asked her and she pointed at the door next to her. I thanked her and came right thru the door. "Wassup, Sis? I heard you got yourself a date with a stranger." I teased her.

She smiled at me. Wtf? She usually tenses up when I tease her about her date selections. "Seems that you're in an awfully good mood. Aye?" I asked seeing that she's quite excited about the topic. "State your business, Gabby." She replied. "And she's back. Could I please be of use to your profession? I wanna stay and bond with you for a couple or more months, Sis." I hope she says yes. "As long as you share with the food payments and house cleaning, you may." She offered a great deal. "Yay! Thanks, Sis."

She smiled and got up to hug me and said, "You can stay as long as you want, Sis. Just fulfill the agreement and we're good. Stace will have you sign a contract. Goodbye." I guess she's off to find love and euphoria, wait what? What contract?

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