Business Card

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Gabriella's POV

I was rushing to pass thru waves of people in the mall, since Stace already found Kylie. I came from the opposite side of the building looking for her and didn't even realize that she went to our old friend's shop. As I got there, I didn't see Kylie and Stace around.

I called Stace and she asked where I was, "I'm at Marge's. You said you'd wait for me here. Where are you?" I was out off breath because of the running. "We'll meet you at the Chief's." She hung up. Well, what the actual fuck. I ran all the way here for nothing. They better bought a drink for me at least after making me go here expecting for lunch and got nothing. As I thought about it, they wouldn't have bought anything for me so I decided to buy something at the store to quench my thirst because of all the running. I stood in line but was seen by Marge, the owner of the store.

"Gabby!" She shouted and gestured for me to come near the closed till. "Hey, Marge. I see that business is booming." Since the store was full of customers along with a packed line outside. "Yeah! It's exhausting. I saw your sister earlier. I didn't expect you to be here too." She informed me about my sister's presence and it made me aske her a dumb question. "Did she order 3 drinks?" "No, actually she just got her usual kombucha." She said confirming my thoughts of my sister not buying anything for me. "Here." She gave me a bubble tea just how I liked it. I took it from her. "Just like the old times." She said. I thanked her and bid goodbye.

I walked out of the store but I was so focused into sticking the straw into the cup when I hit someone, making me drop the straw. As I pick up my straw on the floor, I noticed that the person I bumped into dropped some kind of business card. I picked it up but before I was able to hand it to her, I saw got a glimpse of the name on it. It was Stacy's.

"Hey, sorry about that. Here." I handed the business card to the lady I bumped into. "Why do I keep on getting hit on?" She said in reply. "Say what now?" I was so shocked that she thought thag I was hitting on her. "I meant kept being bumped and I keep on dropping stuff." She explained. "Oh. Yeah, I heard that." I said. Then I remembered that the card read Stacy's name. She was about to leave so I tapped on her shoulder making her look back. "Uhmm. I'm sorry to bother you. I just wanted to know where you got that business card?" I asked trying to sound polite as possible. "It's none of your business." She sounded angry and somewhat annoyed. "Well, I just wanted to say that I know who that person is. And I know exactly where she is right now." I told her. "Are you a stalker?" She asked. "Excuse me? I am not a stalker. I just happen to know the boss of that person." I told her. "Well, could this day be any worse?" She started to walk away and she seemed a bit angrier. "Hey." I gripped her arm to stop her from walking away and she automatically broke loose of my grip. "What do you want?" She asked annoyingly. "I can take you where they are right now. I promise." I told her. "Okay. Let's just get this over with." She sighed in defeat.

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