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Valerie's POV

I can't even believe that I am driving a yacht right now. Like who the hell would think that I would be with someone who cares this much and trusts me enough to drive their boat? Kyle: Look at you. Managing my lil sea baby.

Val: Sorry, did you just call your yacht "lil sea baby"?*air quoting"

K: Yes. And please keep your hands on the wheel.*she continued to hold the back of my hand as we steered the boat to the pier, I felt comfort in her touch and I subconsciously rested the back of my head on her chest, she rested her chin on my shoulder as we continued sailing back to the pier

V: How do you park this? *she chuckled and pulled a lever and the ship slowed its pace

K: They should be here any minute now, I'll have one of lil sea baby's caretakers drive us to Big Seas.V: Big Sis?

K: No. Big Seas. The name of the bigger yacht that we will spend the night with the others'

V: Omg. You name your vehicles, cleverly. I get it.

*I let go of the wheel as the boat stopped and I face her, seeing her blush from my comment, she held my waist pulling me closer

K: So where were we before we got rudely interrupted by my phone?*I blushed remembering our moment earlier, I looked down to hide my flushed face, she lifted my chin and I looked into her teal eyes as she invaded mine, she rested her forehead on mine.

K: You amaze me, Ms. Hofstetter.

*I smiled and laced my arms around her neck, she shifted her head to peck my lips, she slowly caressed my cheek and pulled me in closer as our lips crashed, I felt her warmth as our kiss started to become an intense make out session. She lightly pushed my towards the wheel and I groaned as my back rested on it. I lowered my arms and laced them around her waist pulling her even closer, she brushed her tongue on my lower lip, I let her and our tongues fought for dominance, our kiss got so heated than it started sending waves of pleasure to my core, she pulled away and we both grasped for air.

V: Whoa. *I exhaled under my breathThe door opened behind her and I immediately shifted away from our touch. She turned around to face our intruder. "Fuck. Did I interrupt something?" Gabby muttered covering her eyes with her hand but showed a smirk after. My cheeks were flushed from the comment and I felt the longing of Kyle's arms around me.

Kylie's POV

"Bloody hell, Gabriella!" I was so annoyed about all the interruptions whenever I am in Val's warmth. I felt a light tug from the end of my suit. I looked at Val and her hazel eyes calmed me down. I smiled at her and looked back at Gabby.

"We'll wait for you both on deck." She said and chuckled as she walked out of the room. "I have to start locking doors when I'm alone with you." Val chuckled and I slowly laced my hand into hers. I kissed her cheek, "Shall we?" I asked. "We shall." She answered and we headed to the deck where everyone was waiting for us. "Hi, V!" The editors said in unison as they rushed to hug their friend. M pulled me into the hug to startling me. "Hey! I want in on that!" Gabby shouted from the back. "Come on then!" Val told her. Of course my dumbass sister didn't even hesitate. We pulled away as Stace was assisted to board the ship.

"Cap, could you please take us to Big Seas?" "Aye! Aye, Chief!" and he walked towards the helm room. "Big Sis?" M asked. I lowered my head in embarrassment. "Big Seeeeeas. A bigger yacht that we be staying the night on. This one we are on Kyle named, "lil sea baby" Val explained. The girls chuckled and which made me feel more embarrassed about it now. Val held my hand and smiled at me. "Okay, Big Sis! What do you have instore for us?" Gabby teased. "Urgh. Stace help me out here please?" I pleaded.

"The Chief has prepared an all expense paid night on Big Seas, complete with dinner and relaxation for her new editors." Stace explained hinting a bit of tease at my yacht's name. i rolled my eyes. "Oh this'll be a long night." I sighed and they all chuckled.

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