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Kylie's POV

I woke up to the ringing of my doorbell. I could easily go to my office and see who it was but since it made me so annoyed about the ringing, I finally stood up and walked ever so sluggishly to my front door. I opened the door and someone clinged onto me.

"What the hell, Kyle!" She was sobbing. I hugged her back. "I was so worried. I thought you were just a dream, that WE were just a dream." She said in a snivel. "I dreamt of being with you and now you're here. I'm sorry I forgot to text you last night." I apologized. "You're real. That's all that matters to me." She pulled away from the hug and pulled herself up to kiss me. It was a much more intense kiss compared to what we shared last night.

I pulled her further in the house, as we kissed, so that I could shut the door behind her. I gently pushed her against the door. I slowed down our kissing pace as I want her to feel that I care and can take things slower between us. I carressed her cheek using my right hand and she grabbed onto my robe from my shoulder.

Valerie's POV

As I grabbed onto her robe, I realized that she wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. Our lips parted for a breath, "Yes, I sleep half naked." She said. "I could see that. I mean I didn't see anything. I-uhm." I stuttered nervously. "I'm yours anyways. So, you can see everything." She said.

"Well. Well. Well. Who do we have here?" A lady's voice came from the kitchen. "Sis have you forgotten that I live here now?" Gabby said while smirking at us. "Wait, Sis?" I asked. "Yeah. Apparently, I am pretty much related to the person who dragged you here the first time we met." Kyle explained. "Aaaaaand?" Gabby said waiting for something. "Yeah. Yeah. I should be thanking her too." Kyle said annoyingly.

"You are always welcome, Sis. I guess you want me to handle things at work, so that you can have more time with your damsel?" Gabby asked Kyle. "If you could please do so, much appreciated." To which Kyle replied. "I already called Stace anyway. I am excited to chitchat about what happened with her and you know who." Gabby said. "Ow yeah. I almost forgot about that affair. I might drop by to tease them later." Kyle said. "NOW LEAVE US." She told Gabby and the latter did so.

Kylie's POV

"Heyy. Since, you're here how's about I cook breakfast for us?" I offered. "You meant brunch?" She asked and pointed at the clock on my wall. "Oh shoot. How is it half past noon already?" Now, I feel even worse forgetting to text her last night. "You must be famished." I asked. "Not at all." She said. I heard a tiny grumble from her stomach. "Well, your stomach just said you're lying so." I smiled at her and pulled her to the kitchen.

I led her to sit on a chair from the island since my stove is mounted on the island itself. I kissed her forehead and walked to the fridge. I prepped the ingredients for a hearty omelette. "Can I help with anything?" She asked. "Stay with me. That's all I ask." I told her. She nodded in agreement.

As I finished cooking, "So, "Damsel"?" She air quoted on it. "You caught that huh?" I said. "Why though?" She asked. I started serving her a plate, "The first time I saw you, which was at the mall, you looked so down. I got so curious as to why such a beautiful person looked so sad. Hence, a "damsel" in distress. After a few moments, I found myself following you." I air quoted on the word as well and came clean.

Valerie's POV

Following me? So, she was the one who was following me that day? "And here I am thinking that I was about to get murdered that day." I honestly told her. "I sorta gave up when I lost sight of you then." She continued, "but after a few minutes you bumped into me and her we are now." She chuckled and continued eating her omelette. We continued to eat in silence.

"So, why not go to work today?" I asked. Still curious about what does this beautiful stranger do in life. "Gabby and Stace can handle work today. Besides, I have you." She winked at me. "Won't they need you there? You said you'd drop by." I reminded her. "Oooh. I got a curious damsel now." She teased. "If you really wanna know what I do for a living, I wanna know what you do for a living apart from photography first before anything else." She said.

She came near me and offered to take my plate, "No." I said and stood up and took our plates to the sink. I rolled my sleeves and tied my hair into a messy bun then started washing the dishes. "I'll be leaving after this." I said. "Tha-" I got lost in my words as I felt her hug me from behind. "Don't. Fine. I'll take you to my workplace." She said and continued to clinge on me until I finished doing the dishes.

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