True Identity

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*Chapter Contains Smut. Enjoy! ;)

Kylie's POV

I took Val back to the school and brought her to the helipad on the roof. I opened the storage room underneath the helipad and took her inside.

Val: Love, if this is where you kill me, I would like to say a few things first.
Kyle: Baby, I would never hurt you. I brought you here to show you this.

I pressed a hidden button underneath the desk in the storage room. The floor shuffled and my old gear emerged.

Val: Woah. What is all this?
Kyle: Like I have mentioned, Aiko is the Devil herself.
Val: What do you mean?
Kyle: Come here. I will show you. You might want to step back a little bit tho.

She stepped back as I pressed my back against the suit until it covered me up. The suit was made of nanobytes which made it easier to wear. I felt all my power coming back. I walked towards Val. She stiffened a bit but relaxed to my touch.

Val: Hi.
Kyle: Hello, Val. This is Astrael.
Val: Astrael?
Kyle: Victor of the Stars.
Val: So wait youre a superhero? Like actual superpower wise?
Kyle: No. Not a superhero. Not a villain too. I am a demigod.

Val was in shock. Her lips agape.

Kyle: Baby, I'm sorry I didnt tell you sooner. This was from my past. I never wanted it. I was forced to be Astrael to let go of my connection towards Aiko. Aiko is the daughter of Azazel.
Val: Wait. Aiko is the literal daughter of the devil?
Kyle: Reincarnation. Although, she is never fully related to any of the actual gods. She is born with power. I was created to end her wrath.
Val: My girlfriend is immortal. I never thought that others like me, exist. This is fate.
Kyle: Wait, what do you mean?

She stepped away from me and pressed something on her watch. She was slowly being covered by nanobytes like how mine did. Her eyes turned deep green with a hint of silver on the outer ring. I was awestruck. As I slowly feel all my powers radiate over my body, she walked back to me.

Val: My Love, this is Viper

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Val: My Love, this is Viper.
Kyle: Well, Viper. We have many things to talk about now more than ever.
Val: Thank you for showing me the real you, Astrael.

Valerie calling my demigod self sent a shiver up my spine.
Val: Kyle, your eyes.

I closed my eyes the moment she said it. I didnt want her to see my demigod orbs. I bowed my head down but I felt a finger lift my chin up. I opened my eyes. My platinum gold orbs met emerald greens.

Viper's POV

Viper: Astra, anything else you want to show me?
Astrael: Hop on my back, Vi.
Vi: What why?
Astra: Do you trust me?
Vi: With my whole life.

I hopped onto her back.

Astra: Never shouldve said that, but hold on tight.
Vi: Wait what?

She jumped off the building and we started falling very fast. As I was about to activate my Ult where we were landing, she boosted up like a jet. We were trailing emerald green non-toxic gas all over the city. I stopped myself before I trigger the actual toxins. Luckily, we left the roof at sunset. We hopefully werent noticed by anything or anyone.

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