Driven Away

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Valerie's POV

Why did I even agree to come with this person in the first place? If it weren't for my camera I would've just left her. We agreed to meet at the front of the mall. I didn't agree to go with her in her car since I drove myself here. I was waiting for her at the front of the mall in my Subaru Crosstrek. After a few minutes, a black Porsche Panamera pulled over beside my car and saw that strange girl who offered to take me to where the owner of the business card was, I nodded and she drove first so that I could follow.

After a 30 minute drive, we arrived in a private subdivision. The guard at the entrance of the subdivision allowed me to go thru, I guess this girl told him about me. I continued to follow her car and as she pulled over in front of a huge black gate that seemed hi tech, I could see that she was talking on the phone with someone to let us in. I waited in anticipation.

Gabriella's POV

Frick. My sister's gonna kill me. I made a stranger follow me towards her home. I forgot that she didn't want uninvited guests. I called her, "Heyy, Sis. I'm at the gate can you buzz me in?" I stupidly sounded nervous. "Who the hell is behind you? You know how I don't like uninvited guests. Your mere presence is enough for one, but two?" She trailed off with a question. "Come on, Sis. Please buzz us in. How about you ask your secretary to whom she gave her business card to?" I winked at the camera on the pad. After a few seconds of silence from the other end, she hung up and the hi tech door started to open. I put my hand out of my window and signaled for the woman behind me to follow. She gestured in approval and we drove into the driveway of my sister's house.

Valerie's POV

I followed the woman in front of me and parked my car beside hers. I hesitated to get out of my car but the woman instructed me to follow her. I didn't know what to feel as I walked on the pavement towards the house, this massive house built inside a private subdivision, then it dawned on me. What the hell was I thinking? If I die here I guess I lived longer than I expected. My mind was running and making escape plans just in case but then I bumped into the woman in front of me and realized that she had stopped in front of the door.

"Sorry. I think my body is going on autopilot. I just keep bumping into people." What the fuck am I saying? I just looked down. I feel so stupid. "You're good. Just relax." But this woman's voice was shaking too. What the heck? Who are we meeting? After a few minutes, the door swung open.

Stacy's POV

I opened the door and saw two familiar faces. "Hey!" Gabby gave me a warm smile. "You're so screwed." I teased her. "She rolled her eyes on me. I looked at the person behind her and since recognized her instantly, "Ms. Hofstetter?" I asked. "Hi." Her voice was shaking, she was still looking down but lifted her hand to gesture in acknowledgment. "Come in." I told the ladies and they did so.

"Do you have straws here?" Gabby asked me. "What's the straw for?" I was so confused. "This!" She showed me what she was holding behind her. It was a bubble tea with the logo of Marge's shop. "Kitchen counter first drawer to the right." She nodded to my instruction and rushed to the kitchen. I looked at Ms. Hofstetter, "Please have a seat." I told her.

Valerie's POV

I sat accordingly. The shorter woman sat on the opposite side of me. "Ms. Hofstetter." I interrupted her. "Valerie." I gave her my name to remove the formality in the air. She seemed unimpressed with my interruption, "Okay, Valerie. Didn't we instruct you to make an appointment for tomorrow? How did you even know Gabby?" Oh so the woman who took me here is named Gabby.

"It would seem that you are not a good listener, Ms. Hofstetter." She said in a stern voice. "I-I'm really sorry, Ms. Reed." My voice yet again stupidly shaking. Fuck. Why am I all over the place? I am a nervous wreck in front of this shorter but gorgeous person, I don't even know where I am, who took me here, but all I knew was I needed a new camera.

"Since you're already here, let's discuss your terms for the replacement as agreed." She continued. "Need I remind you that I still have to discuss this with the Chief. So please, lay down your terms." She was so professional that I couldn't think of an answer. I didn't want to sound rude or stupid so I composed every word in my head before I spoke.

"So long as I get to have a working camera like this, then I would be good." I tried to sound professional as much as possible. She wrote things down, stood up and went upstairs. And here I am again waiting.
Heyy, Euphoric People.

Thanks for reading the first 10 chapters of my story. I'd like to mention my sister, aybii (portraying Gabby) and my good friend, kuys (portraying Direct Pao) for motivating me to continue writing new chapters for this ongoing story.

I will start to add mixed POVs like this chapter to show the different perspectives and thoughts of the characters. I am so blessed to share #mymind with all of you. I would try to publish more chapters as soon as I can, as many as I can, but always remember that something wonderful always comes to those who patiently wait.

Once again thank you for reading the first 10 chapters, and please don't hesitate to continue to do so on upcoming ones.

Comment which character you like the most and why. If you also like this story, share it to your friends and I thank you in advance. Please be advised that profanity and explicit scenes would still be included in the next chapters.

with love and euphoria,
-Ey. ⚘

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