Damsel in Distress

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Kylie's POV

"Chief, your sister agreed to meet us at the restaurant." Stace informed me while she pointed where I had to sign on the contract confirmation of Director Pao. I signed and told her, "Okay. We'll be off in five." She nodded in approval. She walked out of my office but before the door closed she said, "I'll prep the car." I smiled at her and nodded. She smiled back and walked straight to the elevator. After a few minutes, I received a call, "I'm right outside, Chief." I locked my office and went down. As the elevator opened at the ground floor, I received another call, I answered it as I walked towards the car.

"Thought you said you'll catch up with me later?" It was my sister. "I had nothing else to do anyway. I'll see you in a few." I explained. "Drive safely." I added. "Alright, alright. See you." She said and hung up. I sat on the passenger's seat, "You good, Chief?" Stace asked. "Yeah. Let's go." And she drove us to the Mall. She pulled over in front of the Mall, we both hopped out and let the valet take care of the car since, I am a board member of the Zen Mall, most of the mall staff knew who I was.

We entered the mall but as we walked to the restaurant, I got a glimpse of a damsel in distress. She was wearing a pair of blue bike shorts and an oversized cream colored hoodie that matched her off-white Air Jordan 1. Her hair was braided into two and she was wearing a shoulder bag. Above all, she looked sad and disappointed about something which made me curious as to how such a beautiful woman still looked damn pretty while in distress. My thoughts were interrupted by a howler, "Chief, this way!" I looked at where the direction of Stacy's voice was and waved. I tried to look back at the damsel's direction but because of the crowd I lost sight of her.

I walked back in track and got to the restaurant. When we were seated, a waiter handed us menu books. When I was about to lift the menu book to read it, I saw the damsel in distress yet again but she was on the other side of the clear window of the restaurant. "Stace, I'll just go to the washroom." I lied to excuse myself. "Sure, Chief." She replied. I stood up and made sure that Stacy saw me go towards the washroom area but I sneaked away and took off to look for this mysterious woman.

It was hard to run around in heels but I managed to find her, I looked like a creep following someone around. Although it's crowded, I couldn't stop myself from following her, she was walking a bit faster now, I think she looked back and saw me following her. So, I walked in her pace looking down to ensure that I won't trip because of my heels. I looked back up but I lost her again. Shit. Why am I being such a weirdo following a stranger around? I questioned myself.

I was so tired looking around to find her but I failed, I was a bit far from the restaurant where I left Stacy. Gabby should be with her right now. I forgot my stupid phone in the car. I got so thirsty because of all the running around so I decided to visit my friend at her boba shop in this mall. As I got there, I waited patiently in line when someone suddenly bumped into me. It was such a strong impact but I managed to balance myself and hold onto a queue. I looked down at the person who seemed like they tackled me intentionally but failed miserably. "Could you please watch where you're going?!" I was shocked about this crazy lady that had the audacity to blame me for not watching where I went? I still offered a hand as I looked at her, then I realized that it was the damsel.

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