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Kyle's POV

We were taken to Big Seas after almost an hour on lil seas baby. I helped Val get on board the bigger yacht.

V: Kyle! This is so amazing. I have never been on a yacht this huge and fancy.
K: Only the best for you, Baby.

A hint of warmth showed on her cheeks as I took in her smile. I brushed a few of her hair strands behind her ear as she rested her cheek at the palm of my hand.
K: Have I ever told you how amazing and beautiful you are?

She hugged me tight enough for me to feel that if she let go I might get lost. I hugged her back and whispered to her ear, "I'm all yours. I'm not going anywhere, Val." She looked me in the eyes and kissed my cheek, now I'm the one to have a heated face.
V: I know. It's just too good to be true.
K: I'll be here for you, as long as you want me to.

We were interrupted by a flash of a camera, and we looked at our stalker.
K: Goddamnit, Gabriella! I swear if you don't stop ruining our moments, I will throw you out of the yacht.
Gabby: Jeez, Sis! Chillax. I just wanted to take a photo of you and Val. You both look perfect together and I haven't seen you this happy for so long.

I smiled at my sister realizing that her words were true. I have never been this happy for so long that I am so afraid to lose, Val. I was interrupted from my train of thought as Val held my hands into hers. "Baby, I'm all yours too. I'm not going anywhere." It's like she read my mind and I smiled at her.

Valerie's POV

I have never felt this comfortable with anyone before. I've only been with Kyle for almost a couple of weeks now but it's like I've known her for years. I mean, not including the movies that I've seen her in or even those she directed. It's like we've known each other long enough to find each other coming back for more.

We were all walking around the yacht as Kyle and Stacy gave us a tour. The yacht had 4 levels. The basement where the engine room was in. The deck where all the luxurious things were placed. A pool and jacuzzi at the back deck, including a mini bar. Sunbeds and even a state of the art hi-tech fire pit at the front deck. The next floor was where the suites, dining room and kitchen were at. The roof is what we were yet to see.

K: Okay, ladies. These are the rooms that we have available. We have 2 suites. I believe the editors would love to share one. The editors' room has 2 bunkbeds. Stacy and Gabby will share another that has 2 singles. I have my own quarters on the next floor.
Stacy: Now that we are all settled, we will leave you ladies for a couple of hours to relax and enjoy. Dinner will be ready by then and we'll call you right after.

"Sounds good!" The girls and I said in unison. As soon as I was walking behind the girls, I was pulled into one of what I think was a storage room. "Uhmm. Is there a light in here or whatsoever? And who just pulled me in here?"

Gabby turned the light on and held my hand.
Gabby: V, my sister never brought anyone to her yachts let alone with this many people. You are special to her and I hope you won't break my sister's heart, because who knows what I would do to anyone who hurts her.
I looked into her pleading eyes. How bad did Kyle's previous relationship ended that her sister is starting to threaten me?
Val: Gabby, I won't make any promises but I assure you that my intentions are clear and I like your sister a lot. I care for her as much as she cares about me. So, don't worry too much. If anything goes wrong, you're for sure the first to know.
Gabby: Good. Now, what the hell were you doing before I pulled you in here?
I was so confused so I asked her.
Val: What do you mean?
Gabby: Are you sleeping in the editors' suite?
Val: Yeah. I mean am I not an editor too?
She chuckled.
Gabby: You're funny. Let's get out of here and I will escort you to your suite.

She pulled me out of the storage room and led me to the next floor up.

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