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Stacy's POV

I was placing the papers for the callbacks on the directors' table then I heard my phone ringing so I answered, "Hello, Stace." A familiar voice greeted. "Uhm. Goodafternoon, Chief. I believe you're ready for the 13:00?" I asked. "Good afternoon, Stace. No. I will just drop by later in between the callbacks. You, Direct Pao and Gabby will be handling 13:00. Call tomorrow's 19:00 and have them come today same time instead of tomorrow." She instructed.

I am not one to question the Chief's sudden changes of plans so, I wrote every instruction and said, "Anything else, Chief?" "I'd have to come there and talk to you three later anyway, so I'll see you then. Goodbye." She said and hung up. She might have bigger plans for tomorrow since she instructed to move a callback schedule.

The studio's door swung open and Gabby came in, "Heyy, Stace. How did it go?" She asked. "What?" I questioned her. "Duhh. Your night with Direct Pa-" I instantly shut her mouth using my hand. "No one else in the office knows about this. So can you please tone it down a little?" I whispered. "My sister does and that's all that matters right?" She said. "And she saw us too." A deep voice came from behind me. I immediately turned around and saw Direct Pao towering over us.

"OMFG. Tell me all about it!" Gabby exclaimed. "In time, Ms. Stewart." He bowed his head in acknowledgment to the presence of the Chief's sister. "That's Gabby to you now, Direct Pao." She said and ran to her seat. Direct Pao crossed the table and pulled my seat for me. I just sat there in silence and embarrassment as we waited for the callback.

Valerie's POV

"I've already made plans with Stace and told them that we'll drop by later." Kyle told me. I nodded in agreement. "I have to hit the shower first if we're leaving afterall. So please, feel at home." I just sat in the living area in silence. "Unless you wanna join me?" She asked and hurried to the stairs.

I was flushed red in the thought of joining her. As I heard a door shut from upstairs, I thought of looking around her place as she said I could feel at home. I was just so fascinated with everything that Kyle has. She has a massive house, a nice car, a company that she most probably owns since I've been hearing her often being called "Chief." How do I fit into all of this? What worth do I have compared to everything that she has? I got lost into my thoughts, when the house got hit by natural lighting. How can this house be more beautiful? I just saw it as a photo op and took a selfie.
After few photos I finally chose one to keep and deleted then rest.

Kylie's POV

"Vaaaaaaaaal?!" I called out to her as I entered my vanity. "Kyyyyyyyyyle?!" She mimicked my tone which made me chuckle. "Could you help me with something?" I asked and heard footsteps on the stairs. "Coming!" She exclaimed. After a few seconds, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. She opened the door and entered.

"Do you always where nothing underneath?" She asked. "You're questioning my sense of fashion now?" I asked jokingly. "Actually, no. I like it. You wore the same kind too when I first saw you, but navy blue in color." She said. Damn she remembered. "Uhm may I?" She asked. "What?" She took a photo of me. "Saw it as a photo op and also just in case I feel that I'm only dreaming of your existence." She explained.

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