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Valerie's POV

I was waiting for Ms. Reed to comeback from upstairs. I was growing impatient since I have been waiting for quite sometime now. "Hey. You okay?" Gabby asked. I was so absent-minded I didn't even realize that she came back from the kitchen. "Yeah. I'm good." I nodded. "Gabby." She extended a hand as she introduced herself. "Valerie." I shook it.

She stayed seated across me and we waited in silence. After a few more minutes, Ms. Reed came down the stairs. "Ms. Hofstetter, please follow me." I hesitated but my body automatically stood up and followed the shorter woman. Well, this is the end of me. Why did I even come with a stranger and end up in this place? We reached the end of the hallway and she opened a door for me and gestured for me to enter.

I thought that she would follow me inside but the door just closed behind me, I was in an office. It was so organized and fragrant, a touch of lavender. I saw a table in front of me and across said table was a figure standing looking at the window. "Uhm.. Hello?" I said nervously.

Kylie's POV

I turned around to acknowledge her presence, "Please, have a seat." She walked towards the seat across me and we sat at the same time. "Your terms are quite questionable, Ms.?" I asked. "Hofstetter. And how are my terms questionable?" She sounded annoyed. "Well, in the first place, you were the one who bumped into me. I was just standing in line to buy something to drink." I explained. She didn't answer. "Ms. Hofstetter?" After a few seconds she finally said, "My name is Valerie Hofstetter and you may right a cheque to that name so that I can buy the replacement for my camera." Why is this woman so rude and stubborn?

"Fine. I would replace your camera, Ms. Hofstetter. But in return for your stubborn accusation of me breaking your camera when you where the one who did it yourself, I would like to invite you to dinner tomorrow. I would ensure that the camera will be available at the said dinner." I waited for an answer. But got silence in return.

Valerie's POV

I was shocked about her invitation. She hasn't even introduced herself but she's already inviting me to dinner? All of this for my camera that she obviously caused the damage to. Without answering her, I stood up and headed for the door. When I was opening the door, I was pulled to turn around and was pushed against the door causing it to close.

The beautiful stranger was right in front of me. She was holding my left arm using her right hand and was holding the door close using her left hand. She smelt like lavender and was towering over me. Our faces were only a few inches apart. "I didn't get an answer, Ms. Hofstetter." I felt my heart skip a beat when she whispered those words to my ear. "O-okay." I said nervously. She eased up and let go of me.

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