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Kylie's POV

I never thought that she smoked before. This sudden turn of events makes me eager to learn more about her. She's perfectly imperfect like I am, but she's way too out of my league. "Hey. Wanna finish it? I didn't want to hit a whole stick 'cause I stopped months ago." She explained lending me the now 1/4 finished cigarette. I took it. She waited for me to hit on it. "Are you a germophobe?" She asked since I was holding the cigarette for too long without hitting on it.

"No. It's just. If I hit on this it's like kissing you indirectly." I shared my realization. "Oh. Well, yeah. I guess?" She held her cup of coffee and sipped on it. She was looking at me in anticipation if I would finish the cigarette that now only has a 1/4 left on it. I finished it. It tasted like cherry and mint combined, but the cigarette was mint in flavor alone. I snubbed the cigarette out after finishing it and drank my coffee. I threw the cigarette butt onto the floor.

Valerie's POV

"Really? You litter?" I was never fond of people throwing away stuff anywhere when they can just throw it in the trash directly. "I'm sorry. As you can see there aren't any trash bins around here. Also, I thought I bought a mint pack. It got a hint of cherry when I puffed it the first time." She said. I just smiled to the realization that she got a taste of my chapstick from the cigarette that we shared.

"Well, ready to head home?" She asked. "Home? Wait are you taking me to your place now?" I was so confused. "No, silly. I'm taking you back to your place so that you can rest. It's half past 9." She said. It's half past 9 already?" I was so shocked that time flew so fast. We finished our now cold coffee. I gave her a stink eye just to make sure that she doesn't throw her cup on the floor. "I won't." She said. I guess she understood.

"Here." I picked up the cigarette butt and gave it to her. "Throw that away properly next time. Okay?" I told her and helped myself in the passenger seat. She stood near my door for a few seconds, still holding the cigarette butt and her empty cup of coffee before deciding to finally join me in the car.

Kylie's POV

I was so confused. I went in the car and placed the cigarette butt in the cupholder and then placed my empty cup in the same holder since she used the other cupholder for her own empty cup. I started the car and we left the parking lot back to it's emptiness.

"Do you live alone, Val?" I asked out of curiousity. "No. Actually, I have 3 roomies and like I said earlier I have a furbaby." She replied. We continued to drive in silence. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?" I asked. "Well, I am a freelance photographer and a web editor for a game magazine." She said. "Oh so that explains the camera." I said. "Yeah. But enough of me. How about you?" She asked in curiousity.

"Well, uhmm. We're here." I pulled over and opened my door and rushed to her door to open it for her. She came out and nodded in thanks. We then walked towards their house but we took every step slowly to make more time before we call it a night. As we reached their front door, it felt like having a knife in my heart thinking that I won't feel her presence again.

"Well, I guess this is it." I said. "Yeah. Thanks for tonight, Kyle. And yes you may see me again, whenever." She answered the questions in my mind. I smiled. "I'll get going then." I said. She nodded. But as I turned to leave, I felt a gentle touch on my arm and I was pulled to face her again. Our bodies were now inches apart and I met her hazelnut eyes on mine, she pulled me closer and I felt her soft lips on mine.

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